With some news stories, I get it and appreciate it. Like if there’s a story about a house fire in my area and a kid got burned, and needs the money for medical care, yes, I’m glad there’s a gofundme for her. I basically expect it on that kind of story now and I like it, because it certainly feels better reading…
Belif, Missha, Skin Food, and Boscia are good brands that have moisturizers I’ve liked, just off the top of my head. As a heads up, some of them have a pretty strong fragrance compared to a lot of US moisturizers, but none of those brands has made me break out. I don’t have super sensitive skin so I can’t really speak…
Belif, Missha, Skin Food, and Boscia are good brands that have moisturizers I’ve liked, just off the top of my head.…
I remember seeing Strawberry Shortcake’s hat when I was a little girl and thinking - wtf is that? Where did that come from? Who would wear such a thing, and why? Because she was designed in the 70s, and I played with her in the early 90s but the hat was still the same freakish shape.
I fall victim to this a lot. I buy all the stuff to make a nice dinner and then on the way home I’m too tired, and I pass 6 different fast food places, so it’s too easy to just stop in at one.
The first week is the hardest. I was literally angry for a week solid. But it gets easier after that. Good luck!
Lol what? literally all 4 of those are greasy, stinky garbage (in my experience and opinion, naturally). I’ve tried all of them and they all slid around my face and made me break out. Clinique actually made little red bumps pop up all over my face! The Clinique one I grant you could have been an allergy but there’s no…
Lol what? literally all 4 of those are greasy, stinky garbage (in my experience and opinion, naturally). I’ve tried…
I’m not going to tell anyone how they should feel about their own experiences, but in my mind there’s no question that it was rape. If someone says no, and they’re not participating or into it in any way, then of course there’s no consent, which makes it rape. It’s rape even if you don’t fight back. It’s rape even if…
Martha is this your way of telling us about your prison tats? bc I like it.
Another question! For married borrowers on pay as you earn, is it generally better to file taxes jointly even though the monthly payment will then be calculated on the total gross household income, and thus be a higher amount, or to file singly, then be taxed at a higher rate, but have lower monthly payments?
I have about $70 grand in loans. Right now I’m making about $36 grand a year. Obviously I’m trying to improve that, but let’s be negative and say I don’t. All my loans are federal, and I’m on the pay as you earn plan.
I’ve just been trying not to think about it :(
Dude I can have as many nemesi - nemisises? as I want. Ignore the plural confusion. Point is, you can’t tell me how to live my life.
If that punk gets cast as Han Solo I am done with movies, period.
You know if you go to a spa they’ll do that for you. It’s called an extraction.
Me too! It’s not good for you apparently. I haven’t figure out any way to stop yet though.
Oooh boy, do I relate to this. I am a constant picker and I have scars from it. It’s not great. I also chew the inside of my cheek throughout the day, which is really horrible for you because apparently the scars tissue you get from that can turn cancerous if you mess with it enough - at least I think so, that may be…
Yes! We do this. He hates cleaning the bathroom, so I do that. I hate going out to warm up the car and scrape ice every morning, so he does that. Cooking and dishes are split duties. He used to clean the cat litter every day in exchange for me doing vacuuming and dusting, but now our cat has medical issues that…
That’s awesome :)