
AND sometimes people are shitty employees. Every firing in the history of employment was not unjust. Acting like there is no possible way that an employer was in the right is ignorant at best. I took unemployment claims for a while, and while there were plenty of people who lost their jobs for really sad, crappy

My best friend had a double mastectomy a couple of years ago and has to have a hysterectomy before she turns 35. She’s struggled with the idea of reconstruction for a long time because she was only 29 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to commit to not having breasts ever

Eh, I bet at least a couple others would’ve done it (probably the ones who were like, “I AM HERE FOR BRITT oh it’s Kaitlyn yeah that’s also fine?” because they’re not even really pretending they’re not fame-whores) but JJ is already being set up as the villain so it’s even more scandalous or whatever.

I’m 99% sure this is fake, 100% sure it’s making me think less of Clint because JJ is the last guy I’d pick as my house bff, and 800% sure that I would’ve been trying to get into Britt’s pants if I’d been on the Bachelor with her. I *know* what her issues are and I’d still let myself fall for it. Chris who?

I would have like, 12. If we’re counting times we’ve accidentally stabbed ourselves, that is. I really shouldn’t be allowed around pointy things, now that I think about it.

I cry when I see ugly dogs because I want to love them so much but we cannot have more dogs. And I tear up at baby animals. OR I want to put them in my mouth and consume them whole. Either or. My body doesn’t know how to react appropriately to super cute shit.

That was pretty much my thought process. My mom was raped when she was 16, and I can’t imagine being the product of that. It’s like, her choice was taken from her once, how dare people think they get to take it again.

Word. I don’t think any of the people saying to just tell your kid “it’s a puppy, nothing to see here!” have a kid over the age of 6. At least not any that I’ve seen. I cannot imagine a universe in which my 13 year old would buy that for even a fraction of a second, but apparently everyone thinks I should just sit her

Pretty sure you also don’t get to tell me what should and shouldn’t come up in conversation with my kid. I will happily explain gay marriage to her, and I have because her mom has raised her to be a bit of a bigot in that regard. We have that conversation ALL THE TIME. What I should not have to explain are people’s

From trying so, so hard. Duh.

Tweet Beat is making me believe that Gabourey Sidibe is my soulmate.

I fucking cannot with any of these people. I’m actually probably the most disgusted with the people who were conceived during rape who now oppose abortion. Cool, glad that you think your existence is more important than rape victims having a choice. COOL STORY.

I used to eat Waffle House regularly in high school (in CO, where we have all of about 3 of them). During actual daylight hours and everything. It was great - right next to a sex toy shop and a gas station-turned-mattress store. $4.10 for cheesy eggs, hashbrowns, and grits was like, the hands down best thing in the

Nah, I think of all the requests kitchens get, that’s a pretty reasonable one. I’ve never had a server react poorly beyond some occasional light teasing (which is generally just them going along with the rest of my family). But yeah, people can be real dicks about the “right” way to eat something.

RIGHT? My first thought was, “hot damn, that is some Jeffersonian shit right there.” I’m horrified and amazed. Horrimazed. Amazified. I don’t know.

No, I do that too. That’s literally the only thing I ever did in the Sims. Design and decorate houses. I bought house irl last year and my shitty baseboards are a perpetual disappointment, but I’m really into the bullnose corners and tray ceilings. Seriously though, I wish I could afford to pay someone to replace the

I feel like I just wanted it to be 2 separate videos, though. I liked the talking, and I liked the mediocre pop and bright colors, but I want them alone. GAWD JUST LET ME STARE AT HER PRETTY HAIR FOR A MINUTE, VIDEO.

I can only respond to this nonsense via animals.

I don't go to nail salons because I'm cheap and I immediately feel the need to apologize so profusely for whatever state my feet are in that it's not enjoyable. BRB, gonna pretend it was a social justice thing, though, so I can be a superior asshole about it.

The trailers are making this look both jump-scare-y and kind of boring. It’s pretty, but I’m not really getting any sense of plot beyond, “House is 2spooky4u, Mia has unfortunate hair, Hiddles and Jessica Chastain are there sometimes, too.”