
Cops are looking back to protect the good kids. They’re heart broken good kids are exposed to criminal acts by gang-associated violence. And if you think it doesn’t kill them that kids with potential go the wrong way, and have to go to jail, than you misunderstand the role cops undertake in a community and the very

I can tell from your spelling your’re nowhere where violence occurs in schools.

As she should be. That’s no way to treat a child. Look at the video! This is just awful.

These are still just babies, though. These kids need s little room to play without cops agitating them to act out.

To be fair, the teacher should probably be fired for this.

That’s okay. Rest assured that when your kids bully gets arrested, someone will be there to film it as he struggles with the cop who inevitably loses his patience and gets harsh with the kid.

So are we.

Here in Texas, teachers are carrying. Any punk gets out of line, teachers are within their rights to shoot.

In Russia, teachers fight student and win.

Yeah. Women can get away with things like that. Men get much harder sentences.

You know what I don’t know about? Everything that happened before this. Strangely enough, that's been edited out.

Child, eh?

None of these high-minded folks would dare get their hands dirty and confront violence. They’d rather engage in sanctimony from a safe distance.

12 isn’t a little girl. It’s months from being a teenager.

Anna, this is a conversation you jumped in on. Your departure is as momentous as your arrival: Barely noticed.

You’re weirdly evasive about conceding this single issue, deferring instead to semantics, as though scientific facts are subjective and biologists just agree to disagree.

I’m digging it.

I have a hangup with my fellow liberals who engage in dishonest arguments like they’re conservatives fed information from Fox News. I thought we were better than this. I thought we cared about science until I hear people like you who can’t be bothered with facts because the political positions they’ve backed

Uh, it’s closer to 1 in 3 women, thank you. It’s not very healthy to be throwing around MRA statistics when trying to sound serious about campus sexual assault. Let's not understate the severity of this issue, please.

Lol. You forgot how thin-skinned they are. Don't use those dirty words. They may completely focus on those and miss your point entirely.