Ecology? Jesus. Did you fall asleep in class the day they were teaching about gametes?
Ecology? Jesus. Did you fall asleep in class the day they were teaching about gametes?
You’re suggesting sex chromosome aneuploidy doesn’t come with homeostatic imbalances, up to and including STERILITY and premature death. You’re suggesting, what?? That it requires three of these individuals to produce a viable, triploid human zygote???
Karyotypes don’t define sex for the very reasons you gave. Those reasons you, and others give are genetic disorders which result a host of debilitating homeostatic imbalances, often resulting in sterility, as in Klinefelters disease.
Funny thing is that OJ would be completed defended by today’s liberals, who would be frothing at the mouth on Gawker and Jezebel about how racist the everyone is and how OJ wasn’t getting a fair trial, blah blah blah.
My mother worked in a building. It didn’t have rat problems. Although there was a pigeon or two that were quite a nuisance.
Human zygotes are diploid. Perhaps you forgot.
Honey, you don’t understand biology, so let’s not pretend anyone here is more invested than you.
Jesus. You’re a fucking stereotype.
No, it's not complicated. Birth defects aren't magical new categories of humans.
:::massive eye roll:::
They’re not talking about men. You forget they only care about women.
Self determination? We’re still talking about cats, right?
Thats probably why people hate cats.
I have a rule that I break legs of commenter's I disagree with. Do you own a pair of crutches? You'll need them.
The on getting his junk cut off must have really bothered you too, although you forgot to mention it.
I just find voting is more effective. I bet you didn't vote for Quinn when you had the chance.
Ahhh details, deschmales, let's not split hairs. It makes the goyim happy.
Yep. Don’t get the yearning to be a member of club that doesn’t want you.
By all means. Grab a shovel and start digging ditches. That’s ones barrier you ladies have yet to knock down. We’ll hand you the fucking key if you want it so bad.