
Politics in Hawaii isn’t quite the same animal as on the mainland. Hawaii has a very strong identity and values that are very different, and that temper some of the worst influences of the GOP. Like for instance you can’t really get any where if you don’t embody the spirit of aloha (in very brief, it’s being

Addendum: I’m not a monster, and having worked a dozen-plus retail/food service jobs in the past has given me a complex about being extra polite to those employees.

I think a better punishment is making them work minimum wage jobs in retail/food service. It would be the most fitting “punishment” for these Fountainhead-worshipping, boot-strapping, exceptionalist fuckpigeons. More than prison, I want to force-feed them some crow.

Kellyanne Conway is her own worst enemy, and it’s glorious. Between the ineptitude of this administration, the sudden arrival of what appears to be spines among the house and senate democrats, and seeing the toll that all the phone calls, texts, emails, and faxes are taking on the GOP weasels, there have been some

Yeah we’re all angry dude. But tarring and feathering the defectors isn’t going to win us any new allies. Better to show support when someone crosses that line so we can encourage others to do the same rather than see them quietly go along with their crowd.

Leave it up to the women to have backbone and courage. White dudes, what’s good?????

“the face of Republicanism as it should be, but it won’t be any more.”

At this point he’s clearly doing this shit on purpose just to fuck with us. And by “this shit,” I mean “continuing to exist.”

Especially women’s labor issuess. WalMart was sued in the largest gender discrimination class-action is history.

Swampy McSwamperson.

Doug McMillon, the chief executive of Wal-Mart

To answer your penultimate question, I’ll give you an old George Carlin quote:

Does anyone else take a periodic break from the news? I don’t want to bury my head in the sand, but each one of these stories (ranging from him being an insensitive moron to committing absolute atrocities) makes my brain hurt more and more. How did this ever happen? How did 63 million people vote for this 70 year old

The Neo-Nazi’s got what they wanted. A violent group of leftists “supressing campus free speech.”

I’m sure the College Republicans who invited him are thrilled that this happened, because it lets them continue to wallow in their persecution complex.

That’s a great pull. Unfortunately, Brietbart doesn’t cite sources.

The light-colored ones have grit. The darker ones are the ath-a-letes.

Well as they say, dogs have owners and cats have staff.

The fact that cats need glowing collars, tinsel and props to be entertaining while doggies only need kerchiefs says it all.

Democrats can’t allow Trump to fill a Supreme Court vacancy during the last year of his presidency.