
I don’t care who he nominated. If his name wasn’t “Merrick Garland” then I expect every Democrat to fight and filibuster as long as they can, as long as it takes. This was our nomination and these shitlords stole it. Anyone who isn’t onboard with that should be primaried at the earliest opportunity.

The part that baffles me the most is this being not the result of a foreign power intervening in the US (although one could argue that it has a bit of Russian finger on it), but Americans themselves have put him in the White House, while he had never hide who he was or what he was going to do.

They’ve been bringing a hairbrush to a gunfight. They’re finally bringing knives.

every Democrat needs to realize that obstructing the government, blocking nominees, preventing votes, filibustering, etc has no fucking negative implications anymore.

So she is this tweet IRL?

I was shocked to see that any non-white, non-male, non-rich people would be delusional enough to vote for Trump. So many things about people taking him “seriously, not literally” and I don’t understand why people genuinely believed he was just playing a character on TV and wasn’t going to do the things he claimed. I

Meh. Still not as good as Ghoul Ana.

-Appointed white supremacist political flunky to permanent place on the National Security Council and made the presence of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Director of National Intelligence optional.

This is the woman who is so dumb that, on hearing the phrase ‘pot called the kettle black’ spoken about her, immediately went off on one because she thought it was a racial slur. Seriously. I can’t tell you how stupid this woman is.

You know what, Dems, I’ll believe it when I see it.

Bitch please! We don’t need no fiction story, we’ll trash ourselves on our own! Because we can!

It’s increasingly clear that many people ARE that stupid.

If Mexico stops allowing Americans into Mexico it may just help their tourism. The rest of the world would be stoked to be able to go on vacation and not be subjected to our loud, rude, entitled, food-shoveling, uncultured faces.

Start your web browser, go into the settings menu, and find the option to ‘clear cookies’.

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

I was egged one time on Halloween and now I assault every person I see in a costume. I get where she is coming from.

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

Brown’s offensive reference to the wrong ethnic origin goes nicely with Ansari’s joke about people telling him to “go back to...the country you’re from!”. His follow up is that the racists tend to not be geography buffs.

We truly are living through the golden age of the man child, aren’t we?