
As a white male, I can confirm that we suck. It may not be all of us, but it doesn’t fucking matter. There’s enough that do (and are proud of it) to make the generalization legit. Fucking Fuck.

Jeezus, 17 year old me would’ve hated this guy....especially after he shoved me in a locker/pulled my pants down in front of the cheerleaders/purple nurple/sack-tap/the Dreaded Rear Admiral....

I don’t think this news comes as a surprise to anyone, but mine will still see PLENTY of action. There’s still BotW and I have yet to play Xenoblade X. My VC has SuperMetroid, LoZ:LTTP, BoF2, and Mario RPG. The wife and I are slow-playing DKFreeze in-between Kart sessions, and we play Smash long distance with my

Every time one of these well-respected sports figures speaks out against this clusterfuck, it’s an absolute victory. The best part is watching half of the alt-right try to discredit them while the other half (who are sports fans and actually know who they are) HAS to defend them. After Popovich spoke out last week,

You’re gonna get a lot of flack for the “they aren’t a sport” part. While I agree that in the narrow definition, they aren’t (in the same way that Racing isn’t a’s just Racing), in the much broader view (whereas just about anything that requires any sort of physical skill training...even if the ‘physical’

Agreed. I kan’t(?) believe she has so many fans, but this is one of those times I’m glad she’s getting the message out. I’ll take back any bad thing I say about her if she uses her platform for speaking out against this bull shit. Maybe she can make a game about it or something?

I’m dying! The ending is perfect!

...and she’s spamming the hell out of the Discord Orb

I’m not about to tell anyone how to play. I’m slightly above average, but I have some short-comings when it comes to aiming on PS4 (I’ve pretty much only played PC shooters and MW2 on 360 until this came out), so I main characters that don’t rely on pinpoint accuracy and can help in other ways (Lucio, Zenyatta,

I appreciate the in-depth info. After doing a little more research, I realized there’s a 14-day trial on PS4. duh. Will be checking out the game in 6 hours...wait...3 hours...wait...5 hours.........yeah, 5 hours.

So I’ve read a lot about this game and I am interested in it (for PS4), however having to pay for the game, dlc x2, and for a subscription fee is quite the barrier to entry. I dig MMOs (and FFTactics is my GOAT), but mostly solo when I play. Is it worth purchasing the game now? Am I too late to the party? Should I

yah, that was weird, Twitch Chat was freaking out about ‘Beanie(?)‘, then at some point he was removed from the couch and it turned to ‘Free Beanie’. I’m not on Twitch very much, but I watched a lot of these speed runs and Twitch Chat (when I could read fast enough) could be strangely entertaining.

Not sure how you could possibly choose to single out Wall as the unlikable one in a ‘fight’ between Wall and MARCUS SMART

Amazing Gardens. Numerous little groves where the moss has completely taken over the grass, and when the sunlight hits *just right*......breathtaking.

Overwatch, Witcher 3, and I just picked up Retro-Pixel Castles from the Steam Sale (only game Ive purchased this year, hooray willpower!) so i’ll be playing that when watching football or when the wife has commandeered the tv.


This is among the worst things I’ve ever heard and it should be thrown INTO a fire

....and the road maps, and the ice scraper?

Really want that Zenyatta nutcracker skin. Only Lucio and Tjorbjorn so far, though... Hard to complain, but I got really lucky during the Halloween event and it spoiled me.

ikr. creepy bartender was serious head-fake.