
PS2 was downright amazing. Hit me at a perfect time in gaming when i had few responsibilities and plenty of disposable income. Vice City easily got the most action...3 roommates and I played that game an absurdly ridiculous amount. 

The Skins and the event aren’t nearly as good as the Halloween event (though the snowy levels are really neat), but it was all FREE, so....who cares?

Sounds like the Final Fantasy movie. (not the VII one).

Commandos was a lot of fun. A LOT of trial and error, but when it worked, it was very satisfying. Controls need to be tight, but i like the way this looks and i’ll be keeping an eye on it. side note: We named our puppy Yuki.

Overwatch until I get bored of it, then Witcher3 and Bloodborne, maybe finish Journey. Also, probably some DK on the Wii U if the wife has a say. My 360 finally RROD’d last week, so I’ve had to (been able to?) trim the shame list quite a bit until that one is fixed, hence the ps4 overload this weekend...speaking of

Great List. Without question, would buy.

I’ve gotten Lucio POTG a few times, but all of them have involved environmental kills, not a great save involving my ultimate.

Got Junkrat, Reaper, Ana, 76, Reinhardt, and Pharah all from loot boxes (pretty lucky, if i do say so myself - started the event at level 97, now I’m 17*). I was saving up for the Mercy, but I didn’t think I was gonna make 3000 in time, so I bought the Zenyatta (figured they’d lock ‘em up afterwards.) Frustrating I

Assisted by Mei....while Lucio provides the background music...

Im curious, IS an original FFT worth anything? I have green stripe AND WotL, and I found an original black edition at Tradesmart a few months ago and bought it for $2. All i can see is $20 online, am I missing something? (no, probably not selling it, its my GOAT game) WIZNAIBUS!

Yep, looked pretty bad....I can’t wait.

Good. I’m 27-21-2 so far this season (with 32 cards in 50 games while playing mostly support) and have gone down overall in skill ranking.

My thoughts exactly. If (for some ridiculous unknown reason) you wanted to change the scene from the comics, this would have been my idea as well. I mean, the source scene was a fantastic scene that REALLY only needed to be acted out in the exact same way it was drawn. I had no problem with getting rid of Abraham

Overwatch! ...but if the internet is out, Witcher 3 and Bloodborne.

I see a mildly innovative system with a LOT of moving parts that will see lots of wear and tear and require replacing. ...and Nintendo will sell them at a ridiculous price.

Is it just me or have sports regular seasons become ridiculously monotonous? Any ideas on how leagues could be restructured to differentiate a little? I’m no soccer freak (it’s a fun sport, sure, but many others could be, too), but at least they have things like promotion/relegation. Tennis has different

Saw all sorts of little smoker boxes in Japan during our trip this summer...none this small, but obviously space is at a premium. You could barely smell the smoke outside of the box...I mean, if you hung out right outside you would, but the smoke eater/vacuum inside worked very well.

Great picture. My family was stationed there (we lived in Djursholm) in the late 80's. Amazing country and people.

Fuck all men who think they can do shit like this. Many (most? hopefully....i don’t know anymore...) of us were brought up to respect women and consider them as mothers, sisters, daughters, or, you know, fellow human beings. It’s utterly rage-inducing to hear stories like this. KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS TO YOUR

Good book. Glad it’s getting a movie, sure it’s another “zombie” movie, but at least it’s a different take on the subject matter.