
Gosh Jim, you know so much about all of this! So when will you be starting your own revolutionary car company from scratch?

Brubaker told me that most modern cars "have too much shit going on" and that simplicity is the hardest to do right, but is always the best path. I think he got that right with the fundamental design of the Box.

The formula 1 team is not there for sales or expectations. They are there for improving efficiency of the process.

I believe he was referring to the way that repairs on the car are performed.

I said wealthy. Not rich. Know the difference?

A $255k do whatever I want and get reimbursed pass if my gazillion dollar car stops running? Just let me run out of gas within walking distance of the playboy mansion. Ill rent a lambo for the drive home and put up with "just" a V12.


The designer needs to get me in on his dealer.

I feel uncomfortable thinking that the Tesla looks better than the Jaguar...

It would have been funnier if you hadn't posted the Super Beetle from the 70's which is a poor copy of the original Beetle

You know you've gone wrong then the Chinese knockoff looks better.

I like the way these look :(

Hey, remember that in the universes where Superman doesn't exist, Lex Luthor ends up as a good guy.

You have the Ford Explorer:

The new smart fortwo. I love the new design, but can't shake the feeling Mercedes engineers were inspired by Chinese copies of the last generation.

Honestly that is a ridiculous "starting price" for an auction. Yes, I get that it's a Veyron and it may sell around that price, but if you start you auction too high you won't get many bids, and the real money is made in the bidding war as it were.

This site can go eat a bag of dicks.

Bill, where's the crack? You said there'd be crack.

"Take it easy, Rush!" "I am looking up the Conservative Silk Road"