He has friends that do all sorts of things. I’m going to guess the guy at Ammo NYC May have had a hand in the headlight thing.
He has friends that do all sorts of things. I’m going to guess the guy at Ammo NYC May have had a hand in the headlight thing.
Probably due to the fact that there was an order to have cars and stuff destroyed so they wouldn’t become collectibles. This came up a lot due to the Kennedy ambulance thing a few years back when Barret Jackson was auction it off supposedly.
I miss when concepts actually showed the future design language of a company. This one for sure did. Since we bought a Kia and are about to buy another I’ve noticed them a lot more.
Views must be dropping already, I got 10th.
I feel like I should just haul my XJ to you in pieces so you have something to keep you occupied for a bit.
Titles should give a quick bit of the story that one can get by on. The story should provide the rest of the information. I feel you did both. I miss the days when Jalopnik wasn’t overrun with these types of people.
Dollar General- The rich people’s dollar store
Where I’m from I think this would be classified as an auto cycle much like the Slingshot.
Where I’m from these are more street legal than golf carts. The state regulates LSVs while the towns and cities have control of golf carts.
Those things are fairly expensive surprisingly enough. That’s why they fell out of favor I would assume.
Judging by your other comments you know a decent amount about these.
I test drive the standard Niro hybrid and loved it. Not sure if you’ve had the opportunity. If so would you find them comparable enough to choose one over the other?
Wait, this is sarcasm right? This is literally how Tesla owners started out. Also the whole Tesla non franchise dealership has become a bit of a pain hasn’t it?
It’s kind of sad that you had to state that.
See the problem is that even tearing it down requires money. Money nobody apparently has.
I honestly like these games. They are a nice break from the normal stuff. Downside is I have a console and the PC ones are supposed to be way better.
I have the older one and they have a modern Lamborghini one.
Okay I’ll give you that one. However I will side with them on the knife thing.
I would say it is somewhat similar to the lumber carrier but with a flatbed top for carrying tools and equipment.
Yes it is safer by leaps and bounds.