Didn’t the 9/11 hijackers use box cutters?
Didn’t the 9/11 hijackers use box cutters?
TSA is kind of like a lock on a door knob. It does fuck all in the face of a real threat.
Desperately wanting one of these I will say nice price. The only way I’ve seen them cheaper than this is if you import it yourself and trust the people helping in whichever Asian nation you choose.
I think they want to kind of be like Ford with the GT except they have to tease because old guys and the rest of their demographics don’t like being surprised.
I tried my hardest to find even the slightest bit of info but I cannot. I believe they said it was super rare so that didn’t help. This is the problem that stems from searching eBay’s “Other Vehicles” section.
I really wish I could remember the name of this thing I saw for sale awhile ago. It was almost identical to this except it was taller and longer and had the ability to sling logs on the underside of it.
Quick, write something witty before people take a funny YouTube video to seriously. Wait, too late.
Up until the electrical gremlin I was fine with the idea of buying project Swiss cheese. Now I’m not too sure. It would be a good off-road build. I’ll trade a torn apart 4.0 that needs a new crank for it at this point.
Sounds like this would be a perfect backup XJ.
My biggest problem is that many people who do what I need to do conveniently skip over the parts I’m having issues with or are filming in such a way that you can’t see what they are doing. One day I plan on doing videos myself to solve those problems.
Okay so we’ll start in the order I need to do things:
Do you know how to read and google? I discovered that is a solid 50-75% of the skill needed to do it. Actual mechanical skill is a minuscule amount. Patience probably is in a solid second place.
Ours go above the speed limit in the left lane. Indiana has really stepped it up in enforcing the left lane law. I believe they do it because they’ve gotten some good arrests from.
Having had a slightly similar thing happen to myself I can say you come to the moment you hit a hard bump.
I’m sorry that those that claim to be the same sex as me are such shirty(I couldn’t resist) people. I’m glad that you ladies do not let them drag you down. Those people had some honestly bad takes though.
My ex had a second gen. I have yet to love another car the same way I loved that car. I love my XJ but not in the same way. Toss a little tint on the windows and it is perfect to go to the drive in or camping or buying random crap at yard sales or hauling dogs or car parts.
You really should tell him that a decent one of those is barely worth that sans engine.
Dear God, why can’t I find that deal in my area?! I have those parts laying around and a gasket is cheap.
Hmm, I guess I could nicely build them. Do I have to sweet talk them whilst building them?
Buy it and I will trade you two straight sixes for those engines.