I hope it's ok to put in my $0.02.
I hope it's ok to put in my $0.02.
Zack Morris! Kelly Kapowski! A.C. Slater! Jessie Spano! Mr. Belding! They're all here (okay, no Screech,…
As Tom said, paying cash up front can actually get you a worse price. They make money on financing. So if you are going to pay cash, don't tell them that to start. When they say "will you by financing", respond by saying "let's agree on a price first, then we'll talk about financing." Once you have agreed on a…
Wow...The negative comments on this post, is astounding to me. So, lets see. We have a first time nominee, who probably had NO expectation of winning, and people are just tearing apart a very good speech.
She shows her booty because it's scintillating and scintillating sells albums?
Who the fuck microwaves pizza? The only acceptable way to eat that shit is cold while you stand in your dark kitchen at 3am in your underwear and think about your terrible life choices (like that one time you warmed up leftover pizza & hated yourself).
Racists are going to fill the comments here with complaints that these mothers even DARE grieve the loss of their children. They demand that these mothers see their children as monsters who deserved to die and to be ashamed they raised monsters. That is the essence of this racism - simply being offended that the…
I've always found it ironic that we white people always seem to accuse the people we force (whether literally or through dearth of alternative employment) to do our most difficult, menial tasks of laziness. Blacks are lazy? Who the fuck performed manual labor of unspeakable difficulty for centuries without pay?…
It's definitely not a stretch of the imagination. In my law school class alone we had Black and Latino students who were balanced, or douchebags, or geniuses, or materialistic, or sexist, or yes, even Southern belle type socialites. We are a diverse group of people and there's nothing unrealistic about depicting us as…
Just to add, television and movies are incredibly aspirational. You take a look at most modern day dramas and comedies and you would not be surprised to find that middle and upperclass folks are over represented in the media. All the characters have big homes and steady, high paying jobs. No one is usually worried…
It would ring false for you, but what about all of the rich Black and Latina women who actually do have a diverse group of friends?Particularly since the richer a POC is the more likely they are to have white friends.
"When I spoke to Noxon, she explained that she wanted to create a show that captured this particular time in our society: when it's becoming more common for women to out-earn their spouses and have to deal with the gender politics that arise from that."
Sports Illustrated Kids has named baseball phenom Mo'Ne Davis as its "SportsKid of the Year 2014." The honor and…
Well I've got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours. I'd remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products. It's cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that…
You don't just get respect because you say so. You earn it, primarily by treating others with the respect you demand. You see, police? THAT is the problem, you want to treat citizens like enemy combatants AND to be respected by them too! It doesn't work that way. NFL players (or anyone else) are under no obligation to…
oh you might enjoy this: Goldman Sachs came in and threw a party at work last week. Paid for everything in cash. Left us their change as a tip. ¢50. On almost a $200 tab. I handed the woman her change and she waved her hand at me like "oh I don't need it you can have it." And walked off.
The Southern Poverty Law Center released a report called "Close to Slavery: Guest Worker Programs in the United States"
On tv they make it look like you get arrested, you ask for a lawyer, and you get a lawyer. I've been arrested twice. First time I was too intoxicated to ask for a lawyer, but I asked them repeatedly to stop questioning me and they didn't. I was told I could apply for a public defender the day of my hearing- but there…