
No, they don't.

What was that old argument that stupid and terrible DARE tried to scare kids with? That drug dealers will give you a free "sample" to get you hooked and addicted? Yeah right. Drug dealers don't give away free product.

You know, it's interesting: Men's Rights Activists always complain that feminists ignore problems facing men. And then when a feminist addresses a problem that harms men, as Anita is doing right here, they attack her for it.

Me? I make a $40 tip on a $90 check. Coworkers? Rake in lots of lovely YOU SHALL BURN IN HELL pamphlets.

Oh that last one and my heart strings... I don't know whether to be thrilled that family can be so cool in the face of suckery, or pissed that they feel so compelled to reward not-suckery as a rare and precious thing.

When I saw "Truly Great Customers" in true Kitchenette style I was expecting to hear tales of the truly depraved... however what I got was 4 heartwarming tales of human decency.

That's completely untrue. As Dr. Nerdlove just said, women are not a monolith.

"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit

My pet peeve is women's cargo pants that do not actually have pockets, just flaps and zippers to simulate the *look* of pockets. WTF is that about? They actually were the required uniform pants assigned to a friend of mine at a job. The men's pants had real pockets, the women's just looked like they did. The whole