
My buddys and I do a baseball trip every summer. Last year we went to Milwaukee. It was a great time. The ballpark is pretty nice, and you don’t have to worry about a rainout. Many of the downtown bars offer free shuttles to Brewers games, which is pretty great deal.

False. Miller Park is good.

This is a bad take. Brewers’ games are actually pretty great. The city always supports the team through the good and bad. Thousands of fans fill the parking lots for pre-game tailgating, and Miller Park is a cool stadium.

Ever been?

Gronk and the Case of the Miller Lite

And if you’ve seen his stand-up show:

Proud to be the one to give this the number of stars it deserves.

Gronk vs. the jar containing a cookie he really wants stuck on his fist.

Gronk’s Pregnancy Scare

Gronk and the Runaway Party Bus

You forgot:

He probably thought this team would just Cruz to the Final Four.

At first, Ollie won a championship and made the fans flip. I thought he might win 900 games. But lately it’s been a real grind. It’s quite a twist to see him completely lose control and fall right on his ass.

This is so damn wonderful

took me a second. because I’m an idiot.

+1, I laughed uncommonly loudly at this.

I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy who ran away from an elderly man who fell over and bled on some “beautiful marble.”


God damnit, you’ve earned it.

+1 banana stand