
Uh, the Vita is way too far down. I still play mine - it’s the best place to play most of the indies released the last 10 years, including Spelunky, Binding of Isaac, Hotline Miami, Shovel Knight, etcetcetc. All that, and a few rollicking exclusives like an honest-to-god Uncharted game that was actually very very

Not really. That’s kind of a “letting perfect be the enemy of good”-argument, similar to when Vegans (to be fair, only the 19-year-old reddit ones)tell me I’m still a murderer since I still eat meat if i feel like it.

OK Boomer

Nah, that’s exactly the kind of prejudiced thinking from non-vegetarians/vegans that mean most hamburger chains, when making something for “the vegans”, have historically opted for something “healthy”, full of greens, nutritious and about as tasty as cardboard. But nowadays most people who do some version of

The only good type of black licorice, salty licorice, is even more dangerous; it can literally cause paralysis. You need to eat a LOT, but it’s happened to a few people here in Sweden.

I tried the PvP in the open Beta, and so far it’s a not-quite-as-good version of Ghost War from Wildlands, though i expect that to change (Wildlands’ Ghost War wasn’t the sublime squad-based experience it is now at launch either - in fact it didn’t even ship with the game).

There’s been a fair few theories suggesting Flagg and IT are related; they’re definitely from the same level of the Tower.

Way back when I played WoW I had two tricks for equipment: The first was that the crafting kits were basically huge bags. Just don’t press the craft button (yes, this happened once). I’d only use it for the cheap stuff, but it made my life so much easier. Especially in the bank vault, it would multiply the space I

Uh, isn’t this the whole point of these meat substitutes in the first place? The ethical vegans and vegetarians don’t want meat; my wife can’t stand anything too meat-like. Beyond Burger and all the others are for people like me; someone who really likes meat, but would also be really happy to not eat meat. This has

Sandra Oh is also one of the two headliners in “Killing Eve”, one of the buzziest shows around right now.

I read it was the first thing. It makes sense in a mercenary way - you can cancel something and claim it was a disaster not of your making and that it’s better to take the hit now; or risk a hit that also wasn’t of your making, taking years of resources away from projects that WOULD be yours to take credit for.

Hang on, you’re both operating on a false premise;

...except that one of the things that keep recurring in tales from people who’ve been in war-zones and starving as their most traumatizing memory is how they would start salivating at the smell of burning bodies. So saying they “shouldn’t get hunger-pangs from watching someone eat bacon” is just stupid.

Step 1: Summon Satan

To be fair though, Speed 2 was shit and The Devil’s Advocate is incredibly enjoyable hokum; and even though he was far from the first choice, he then made The Matrix.

If I had a nickel for every time I saw something on Reddit and came up with the perfect joke, and then when I went to comment saw at least fifteen people thought of the same joke, I’d be a millionaire.

Definitely matchmake with a group, it’s easy to do and yields results... but a tip is to get the Revive-hive and the assault drone as your skills, and then maybe use the demolitionist Specialization. If you got to the desk and “respec” your skill (and you can respec it exactly the same as it was) you get full special

Yeah, I actually bought Ubisoft stock on the expectation that they will now start making more games using the template set by The Division, but with other settings - that’s what Ubi does best, re-iterating once they’ve found a system that works. And Division 2 certainly works, far better than any MMO I’ve ever played.

I do wish the could have just added a scientist discovering that surviving the Green Poison can affect the frontal lobes or something. Just to explain why so many people went full crazy the second they got the chance.

This sequel has a weird mix of an absolutely bungled main story, and incredibly detailed and enjoyable stories told through the missions and environments. I can still remember details of the main story of the first game, where I actually cared about some of the supporting cast; in this one I couldn’t even remember who