
From Software used to deliberately encourage cheesing - sharing those methods through in-game messages or the internet was supposed to recreate the feeling Miyazaki had as a kid scouring gaming magazines for hints, or swapping strategies for popular games in the schoolyard. Some of Demon’s Souls bosses were almost

Great article, but there’s a typo towards the end that is pretty serious:

Weeelll... as a Swede/Norwegian who can trace his family in a straight line to Harald Hardradi’s invasion fleet, I don’t see anything wrong with a black Angrboda. The Vikings had certainly met and traded with lots of black people, and it’s important to remember that a lot of the different realms in Norse mythology are

That’s exactly what it sounds like he’s doing in the original recording (I’m Swedish). It sounds like she’s saying to him that he made her feel cheap, and he’s apologizing for ghosting her. He also sounds a little bit frustrated, like someone has made him apologize to her so she’ll go away.

Having listened to it (I’m Swedish), it sounds more like he’s sorry about making her feel bad *afterwards* by ghosting her. I’d say this in no way corroborates her story of rape, quite the opposite. 

It’s not just stolen nuts; the companies will also smuggle the nuts in order to avoid having to pay for the very costly safety measures required wheb transporting pistachios. They can, after all, suddenly spontaneously combust causing actual explosions. Seriously.

I still don’t understand the hatred for the Wii U here on Kotaku. Is it just Kotaku? Or is it a US thing? I bought one for the family, and it saw more play than the original Wii (once the novelty of that machine had worn off, it was mostly a Wii Sports and No More Heroes-machine). Some absolute cracking games (I mean,

I agree...and I don’t. I have a PS5 (for some reason they’re fairly easy to get a hold of now in Sweden, if you’re willing to queue virtually), and yes, I’ve mostly just played PS4-games on it... but... every time I play I’m absolutely blown away by how extremely nice the controller is, how fast everything loads (even

This is the answer that made it click for me, thank you!

While the 11-year-old geek in me wants to say the TAC-2 joystick for the C64 or Amiga, the truth is that I have never used a controller as great as the DualSense. It’s just... really really good.

While the 11-year-old geek in me wants to say the TAC-2 joystick for the C64 or Amiga, the truth is that I have

Yup, I was a die-hard PC Master Race-guy, until I got kids and the hours spent not just fixing problems, but optimizing every single game I bought (because if I wasn’t playing at the absolute best settings I could squeeze out of my rig, what was even the point?) just stopped being worth it. Especially with the very

Yeah, I mean... Ps Now is nowhere near as good as Game Pass. But... Xbox also doesn’t really HAVE any exclusives. Halo, Forza and Gears of War? Meh. I mean, even including other studios, of the top 10 games of the last console generation, 8 or 9 are Playstation exclusives. The other two are Red Dead Redemption 2

1: It’s not for young kids, but game-play wise it’s perfect for them. Hell, every Disney-film ever kills off the parents within minutes, but divorce is “too dark”!?

Yeah, it’s the same on Playstation and Xbox, one copy needed only, as you can invite a friend who plays on your license.

I have a sneaky suspicion this article will also be a source for future cringe to the author...

Isn’t it literally not even for sale on Playstation 4 though, except for (hah!) physical media? Maaaaaaybe that has something to do with it?

The Stand is an awesome book with a goofy ending that is a classic because it takes it time building up the characters and the world they inhabit, making the few missteps in the actual story palatable because every decision a character made, however dumb, felt earned by their backstory.

It’s not that weird, it’s just a classic short squeeze, that is possibly heading towards an “infinity squeeze”. It’s quite like the famous squeeze in 2008 where Volkswagen, imploding during the Great Crash, was overshorted by investors who were (rightly) sure the company was in trouble. The problem was, Porsche (“A

Two of these “tips” can result in your console being wiped, and in some cases, bricked. A widely reported bug means that putting your PS5 in rest mode (or letting it go into rest mode automatically) is very, very risky, as the console sometimes just refuses to start again - AND if an external drive is attached, it

Basically everything you just said is incorrect or a faulty assumption. I’m thinking Mr Rober is simply smarter than you.