
It took me a really long time to understand this issue, because as a white guy I just don’t get the fuss. But that’s the point: I don’t get it, because I never had to. That’s what “white privilege” is, in large part. It was, of all things, the “South Park”-episode where Randy says the N-word on TV and Stan tries to

That is genius. Also, I feel like Affleck’s bouts of depression started right around the time he had his falling out with Smith (which to be fair did seem to be Smith’s fault for being a gossipy SOB). It’d be nice if they could make up, and this would be the perfect way for Affleck to exorcise some batdemons!

This... is kinda a non-story. My wife’s doctor literally told her to get me to do this after putting hot compresses on them first. Blocked milk ducts are no joke, and it is not even slightly sexy. It’s something you do to help your wife out of excruciating pain, as the human mouth can apply a lot of suction to just

I don’t disagree with you that what she did was bad... but I have some sympathy. Basically, a lot of the world’s ills can be laid at the door of the parental instinct. It just... short-circuits standard morality. It is an incredibly hard thing to withstand if offered, whatever your situation, and a lot of people who

They got as far east as Persia (some say China) and founded Russia as well... and you could connect it with Greece if you set it during the Varangian Guard-era, where Viking mercenaries made up the elite forces of the Byzanthian Empire. Future king of Norway, Harald Hårdråde, made his fortune there after fleeing

That’s insane. I take the train a similar journey here in Sweden (The fast service between Stockholm to Gothenburg route takes 3 hours 10 minutes, and is about 350miles). It takes about half an hour longer than a flight including transfers, but is so much less hassle that it’s worth it many times over. The kicker is

Yeah, the Whisperers were probably my favourites in the comics the last couple of years (comic-book Governor was amazeballs). That said, for many, many moons now, villain number one is Rick Grimes, the Amazing Changeable Man. Honestly, and this was the same in the TV series, sometimes it feels more like a show about a

Just get a soda-streamer, people!

Having been a teen-aged boy, I can tell you unequivocally that he is petrified of popping a boner in front of people. When you’re a teenaged boy, this can happen if a girl walks by too quickly and the wind of her passing hits you. You have literally no control over this, and it is one of the most embarrassing things

Not to mention that “Confusion” was by New Order, who had been around since the 80s, after rising from the ashes of Joy Division 

Is it just me or are tattoos kind of sad in general now? Less and less I see someone who got inked and think to myself “wow, cool!”. It’s almost always “ugh...”. I think ink may have had its time.

In Sweden there’s a restaurant called “Garlic & Shots” that does a frankly gorgeous Garlic Icecream. Wash it down with a garlic beer!

I’m as liberal as they come, and he’s clearly joking. You’re all walking straight into his trap. I’m disappointed.

Oh come on, I dislike Fox as much as any other Scandinavian pinko liberal, but the guy is obviously joking - it’s ironic hyperbole. Stop playing into the stereotype of humorless over-earnest millennials, it invalidates your arguments about the important stuff.

Varg wasn’t really always a dedicated fascist though - he was a picked-on loser who decided to become the most edgy edgelord who ever edged. Converts are the most fanatical, and most of his actions were more about giving himself enough cred to be the gatekeeper of the scene, rather than Euronymous.

Except he’s destined for greater things...

Vikings doesn’t mind side-stepping history a little bit (and once in a blue moon, a lot, like having Rollo be a brother of Ragnar). But I can’t for the life of me imagine that (SPOILER FOR PEOPLE WHO DON’T KNOW VIKING OR NORWEGIAN HISTORY) they’d kill off Harald Hårfager (Fairhair) before he’s achieved his goal and

Wow, that animation would’ve looked ok-ish in a Playstation 2 game in 2005 - it reminded me a lot of Psychonauts in fact, except that Psychonauts was funny.

To be fair though, I fuckin’ loved Spring Breakers.

Anyone who carries and actually uses a speaker on their backpack deserves to get mauled by a mountain lion.

Anyone who carries and actually uses a speaker on their backpack deserves to get mauled by a mountain lion.