
Why the actual fudge would you exemplify the C64 gaming catalogue by citing three games that are all ports of far superior arcade games, that are already perfectly emulated all over the internet? There are thousands of unique C64 games that made gaming history.

I use the meat from salsiccia sausages in my sauces all the time - just grind it up and add! I also make some awesome sausage-meat burgers, which are much better than the actual sausages ever were!

I just use my Sushi-bazooka. If you care anough about the uniformity of your Kofte to use half a day to make a bottle-extruder, surely it’d be better to I don’t know, go dog-walking, mow the neighbors lawn, or hell, spend that time picking up some recyclable cans, recycle them, and use the money to but one of these?

I agree with you up to a point, but the thing with institutional racism is that it is invisible to a lot of the people on the other side of the racism; yes, those racist ideas and assumptions need to be challenged, because the vast majority of white people have no idea they’re perpetuating said racism, and how else

The books aren’t even slightly atheist - that’s like calling Paradise Lost atheist. There really is a higher power in the books. If anything, allegorically it’s satanic (in the Satanic Church-sense, not the deist devil-worship sense), in that it explicitly rejects the paternal authority trying to control the narrative

I think the problem here is that you’re both wrong and right and should be forced to live together on an island covered in cameras for our amusement. ::.Ø.:: (and I’m gonna pronounce your name “uh”, coz that’s how Ø is pronounced) needs to acknowledge that whether you call it whitewashing and brownwashing or cookies

Heh, same here.

It’s a lot easier spoofing a Scandinavian address and paying for HBO Nordic, seeing as we had streaming HBO years before even the US had it (benefits of generally being early adopters ripe for test-marketing). That way you’ll also get loads of FX, Hulu and Amazon shows, since a fair few of those are licensed to HBO in

Nah, she’s actually insanely talented; the problem is, she’s wasting it because she’s also literally insane. 

I mean, these are clearly workers who are given an incentive to speak well of Amazon, but how people think they’re bots is beyond me. Bots are nowhere near that well badly-spoken. Even the lame humour is uniquely human (so far)...

While most of this is funny, calling out Grimes for cultural appropriation might seem like a no-brainer, but is actually not very correct. She’s been a weird cos-player since like forever, and made a whole album based on Dune - and large parts of the Fremen culture on Dune is based on Arabic and Asian cultures. Her

Magic Piska would also mean “Magic Whip” in Swedish...

That’s not what he said, but I assume you know that and are in fact being a disingenuous turd.

Mayonaisse is the sperm of Satan, and he mocks the world by even declaring it so on his own, market-leading brand. Every slimy dollop that passes you lips sends a small sliver of your soul hellwards.

Afaik there are only three songs from the original, most are new.

I’ve moved on from just having a SodaStream in the kitchen to actually having carbonated water coming out of my fridge-door water dispenser. My wife’s gone from “idiot waste of money” to “we’re never buying a fridge without this feature”. We’ve cut our soda consumption by probably 80%.

OK, yeah. I forgot about Strontium Dog. And Slaine. 

Excellent news! Aside from Dredd, Rogue Trooper is by far the best 2000AD series.

Sure, it was discussed back then, but in 2003 it was discussed by hardcore nerds and music execs - most of the public would’ve seen it as science fiction. The iPod was only two years old, Spotify wasn’t even founded until three years later and there were no subscription services worth the name. Affleck hitting it

Sounds dangerous - pits often contain the same cyanide 44, and avocado pits are no different. They may not contain as much as bitter almonds, but avocado pits are big. You could potentially poison yourself...