
Ironically, my wife just bought the 2018 Ford Fiesta here in Sweden, and she loves it with a passion. Having driven it, I have to agree with her, it’s a seriously fun car! It also won “best small car”, and came second in a “Best 2018 car” full stop.

Yeah, I’m in Sweden, and we get UVB from the sun for only 3 months a year. It’s almost impossible to get enough Vitamin D from food alone; also, the RDI in Sweden is just 200IU, which is paltry - most doctors today seem to think 2000IU is more like what we need, especially as our stores from the sun will be completely

I’ve seen most of these, though for some reason I’ve stayed away from Cannibal Holocaust. A Serbian Film however, while just as harrowing as the rumors tell you, I found one of the best films I’ve seen in many years. It is positively Brechtian in it’s attempts to shock the audience out of their movie-going torpor, and

They ripped off the backstory to “Horizon: Zero Dawn”!

I remember a coding competition from when I was very young; the competition was to write the shortest, working version of Snake. I think the winner managed it in 6 lines of code. SIX LINES. 

ISIS and the Islamic State are the same thing, and neither are in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Ugh. This sounds like those people who believe in that “Gang Stalking”-shit...

It did

This article is so badly researched it’s laughable. The author completely fails to mention that Sweden has (and has had for a very long time) way more comprehensive rape laws than most (all?) US states; I mean, there IS a reason Assange was arrested in Sweden.

The British navy forced their sailors to drink lime juice every day; often it was mixed in with, or a precondition to getting, their ration of grog. Supposedly it’s why the English are called “Limeys”, and it’s also why Brittannia ruled the sea and a quarter of the known Earth at one point, since their navies would be

Man, I’m getting old. I thought you meant Kylie Minogue.

Nitpicking I know - but isn’t the white people questioning the story an example of privilege allowing them to disbelieve implicit bias, rather than implicit bias itself? They themselves would never get arrested for not doing anything, so “why would those two guys who happened to be black?”. (I may very well be wrong

Ah, nice to see Sweet Baby Ray’s take the win, as that’s my favorite - though only three of these are widely available in Sweden, and unsurprisingly, the ones that travelled were all upper-echelon (I’ve also tried Stubbs and Newman’s). The locally produced BBQ sauces are, by-and-large, atrocities.

On “the F word” he was always a far more humble guy, willing to both screw up and learn from others. He even lost against celebrities when they both did did their favorite dishes in blind tests, and was never upset or pissy about it (except for laughing fake-outrage).

Damn the man.

Ah, I remember the epic “r/The Donald versus r/Sweddit”-war. Those were the days, and I still bear the scars. Sweden hasn’t won that decisively since the Battle of Narva.

I always use the sous-vide to do ham, though I don’t actually put it in a bag; I just cook it straight through in a Nigella-stylee broth of water, apple and cranberry juice with cloves. Never buy precooked though. Then, after it’s been in there overnight and is at the perfect temperature, I dry it off, cut some of the

Yeah, to be totally honest the last two times I went to the US, almost all the coffee I drank was great; last time I encountered “brownwater” was back in the 90s, though I’m sure it’s still out there.

Like the article says, American coffee = weak-ass drip-coffee. In Scandinavia, where we drink more coffee than anywhere else in the world, the drip-coffee is strong as hell and freakin’ delicious. Back before the Seattle chains introduced Americans to strong coffee, we used to call American-style coffee “brownwater”

“To be swept away together with the entire universe: whatever law is laid upon us that thus we must live and thus we must die, is laid upon the gods.”