
The problem with this even though you’re correct, is that what you’re describing is the basic idea of socialism. NOT communism, socialism. Now, socialism usually doesn’t work when taken to extremes, but then, neither does free-market capitalism. Social democracy however, has worked fine for most of Scandinavia. Know

Perhaps an indie-minded exploration about a poor farmer and his misunderstood tendency to get Wood for sheep? 

Damn, I thought this was made up for Lovecraft Country.

I’ve always felt like people underestimate Rabies just because they think it’s “curable”. But even if you get the vaccine immediately after a bite, there’s a non-trivial chance of getting infected, and people seem to forget that Rabies is the most deadly disease we know of, with a mortality rate of 100%, more than

The thing is, “good enough” just means “time constraints” - and as Dogme 95 and Harmon himself showed on Community’s “Bottle Episodes” (which were some of the most inventive , creatively, that the show did), sometimes artificial constraints can help, not hinder, creativity.

Damnit, if only smoking was still cool!

Damnit, if only smoking was still cool!

White person here. What is ash?

I’m playing Destiny 2 right now, but as good as that is, it still doesn’t scratch the surface of what I sometimes felt playing The Division, even when it was at its most buggy. I would but the hell out of a sequel, I really would. Hell, I’d take a few weeks off work just to enjoy it.

What you have to realize is that you’re making that statement without really acknowledging the vast assumptions behind it; for example, you’re assuming that governments are inherently bad. You’re also assuming that everyone (except you of course) are lazy sheeple, who want nothing more than to be coddled from cradle

Interestingly, my two late trend obsessions - Fiona Apple and Final Fantasy - are deeply intertwined for me. I discovered Tidal at the same time as FFVII, and then later, I was injured in an accident and got “When the pawn...” and FFVIII on the same day. It’s literally the soundtrack to FFVIII in my head.

Huh. For a song about a girl willing to do anal to keep her man, that song sure gets around.

I know it’ll annoy users no end, but I can’t wait for the death of Lightning. It’s the worst connector ever, as you can literally make the cable out of diamond, but it’ll still have a giant weak-point right were it connects to the phone. I’ve had more leads break during my years with lightning than I did in my entire

Having tried some of the other trackers on the market, for me the Tile’s 1-year-battery is a feature, not a bug; I can be almost 100% certain that it will last me for one entire year (in fact, most have lasted beyond that), and that I then pay about $70 to re-tile (using the discount to buy four new ones). That is a

Having tried some of the other trackers on the market, for me the Tile’s 1-year-battery is a feature, not a bug; I

Yeah, this seems more like a collection of albums that either a) were by artists the Jezebel previously loved, but then went in a different direction, and so disappointed them, b) were really well reviewed/considered classics by the cognoscenti, and so annoyed the Jezebel who didn’t “get it”, or finally c) was really

I am NOT going to say that what John Mayer said wasn’t idiotic, it was, but I feel like his particular brand of stupid was misinterpreted - I always thought that quote meant “black girls won’t like me because I have a small dick compared to what they’re used to”.

Total speculation, but I remember in another murder where I was wondering the same thing, it was because the other guy had turned himself in and fingered the first guy, because it was never meant to go that far and he was appalled at what had happened (though a cynic could argue that he wanted to get ahead of the

Lucas Black was in “American Gothic” and “Sling Blade”. He is therefore a national treasure and can do no wrong. He does not “act”. He graces a film with his presence, and as viewers we should just be grateful.

Fantasies are fantasies - and rape fantasies are one of the most common fantasies, though usually for women, even though, of course, none of those women actually want to be raped. It’s usually more about having guilt associated with sex (usually from a strict/religious upbringing), and the thought of losing control

It’s not quite as tall as it looks, though taller than a Roomba. The sucking is worth it though.

It’s not quite as tall as it looks, though taller than a Roomba. The sucking is worth it though.