
Commendable, but you're gonna need to buy a lot of copies. ._.

Meanwhile, this is an environment artist doing portfolio work, not an Engine tech demo. So he does have to aim for in-game, non pre-rendered scenes in order to showcase his work and get hired (Which this all is).

So....your mini-rant here is pointless.

I've been flying ~ 100k miles per year for work, for ten years or so up until about a year ago.

Or how about actually signing up for their frequent flyer plan and earning status, or at least attempt to?

I played GTA 3 when I was 13 and played Mortal Kombat and Doom before that. It isn't going to turn him into a serial killer. Relax.

Interesting! I'd have thought that someone with such extensive experience of the genre would know that aiming down sights is by no means fundamental to the FPS formula.

Stop calling it CoD scope or CoDifing. CoD did not event ADS, or sprint. This is something new to the series. It doesnt have to genre defining to be new.

Fans: "We want something new!"

Except you forgot about [insert whatever the hell they want here because they wrote the universe and can come up with some arbitrary reason it makes sense fairly easily].

If you take that into account, it actually makes perfect sense.

It's a boxing game, dude. You're breaking the rules. And by the look of that hit counter going beserk in slow-mo, you're breaking the game as well.

I'd rather play a much better game with less obvious weather effects - if graphics are all that matter to you then okay, but that's a little sad.

But the thing is with Horizon 2 there's a good game attached to those weather effects.

Expect that Forza Horizon 2 is a massive open world racer. Yeah........ So......... Not impressed by this. DriveClub is super linear. Plus Forza is just a better game, period.

I once had an elderly woman driving towards me on the wrong side the road with her wipers on and it wasn't raining. But yeah, she was driving slow.

Australia, its like Indiana but a country.

i wish I would have seen this earlier and joined

here's my entry xD

That's funny, it's exactly because of that shitty DRM that I pirate their games.

Pirated it, have the slider. Think the update is being packaged with pirated copies at this point I guess.

I find that a conventional small clip-on lamp (like the kind college students clip to their bed frames), with a soft white CFL bulb or even a regular incandescent, makes the area behind a TV look really nice, both when watching, and as an accent light that matches all the other soft white light in your house when the

I find that a conventional small clip-on lamp (like the kind college students clip to their bed frames), with a soft