
Tyrion may overtly hate his family name and heritage, but Jaime is the one who has actually forsaken his title and wealth against his fathers wishes when he joined the kingsguard, he is also the one who makes less a show of his wealth and is often disgusted by the pretense of it.

Tyrion has already murdered Tywin, so i

I do not recommend the Kineta Relays, they have decent arch support, but aren’t great for anything else outside of a running track. Go Omni or go home! :)

I do not recommend the Kineta Relays, they have decent arch support, but aren’t great for anything else outside of a

Instinctively googled the two performers named in this article....

I can honestly say I did not expect to find what i found.

yes, it’s a $10 used digital copy.

Please read up on this, it will become very clear to you. That’s not how law works. There are some prefectures, especially urban regions that restrict sexual relations at 13-16, for the reason that it could be abused in that setting, but they don’t go as far as to call it non-consensual or rape, those ordinances

The Article 177 of the Penal Code puts the age of consent for sexual activity at thirteen (13) years.

it’s 13. However, some Japanese prefectures have a statutes regarding “corruption of minors” or “obscenity” which technically increase the age of consent to 16-18... BUT this does not apply to “sincere romantic relationships”

They also have a similar beef with Indian hindus as well. Hell, it was a sikh who assassinated Indira Gandhi over the Massacre of sikhs by the indian army in the Golden temple and the anti-sikh riots back in the 80s.

when did you last play? because i did a 70% completion in May of this year on the xbox one, i did not experience any major issues, except some frame drops when you’re fighting in a huge crowd occasionally, they may have improved it after you stopped playing maybe? i dont blame you for not wanting to retry it, once

when did you last play? because i did a 70% completion in May of this year on the xbox one, i did not experience any

most definitely. It’s not a bad game overall, most of the bugs have been ironed out. story is just ok, not that great. But paris itself is an incredible sight to behold, free-running and traversal is better than previous games but not perfect. i had the benefit of playing it months after release, so i wasn’t part of

most definitely. It’s not a bad game overall, most of the bugs have been ironed out. story is just ok, not that

Halo is a real game. Don’t know what the other game is... probably some Wii U exclusive.

your weapon is, as the name suggests, a boring snoozefest. Might as well have named it valium. Bring it on! :)

no. i mean the spartan laser. :P

i’m talking about actual playable weapons, not hypothetical weapons from hypothetical games. :P

the spartan laser kicks gjallarhorn’s butt any day :P

How does this man have an Edward R. Murrow Award? it makes no sense!

oh no, my OCD can’t handle preview bugs. thanks though, i appreciate the offer.

such a tease you are Stephen! no worries! :)

im not seeing the app in the store, and ive updated to the new firmware, was it pulled?

those didnt last long did they?

those didnt last long did they?