
Nowhere does the article claim it is the slim. Please do some actual reading.

Nowhere does the article claim it is the slim. Please do some actual reading.

A third? Bullshit. It is barely 2-1.

It was a fucking joke. Jesus Christ. Do people like you really exist?


When in reality, it’s Samsung’s patent of a dockable-style watch band, while offering illustrations of how others have implemented watch bands (there’s many different types of watches depicted here). But I’m sure this will stoke some fanboy’s fire (on either side of the aisle).

I love you guys. Unabashedly.

I regret having read this article.

Women can both kick ass and fall in love. Just like male superheroes.

No, the thing I want to ban remains the same: Humans driving.

There’s tons of different versions of the Joker. There’s no reason to not give the Leto-Joker at least the benefit of the doubt.

Well if the directors thought it was on par, who are you to say but a fanboy with no clue? You’ll have to wait and see.

p.s. his previous efforts have been pretty decent. You gotta stop talking out your ass/

Lugga McBeastFace

Your run-on sentence is an abomination.

Crappy wallpaper websites are smart enough to overlay a watermark and serve up a low resolution version of the image that forces you to visit their page for the high quality image, so it would seem to me that Getty just needs to be a bit smarter about protecting their content and sources.

Thing about that is that aliens, at least, are real.

Is it not more hypocritical to ask someone to change laws in a foreign country before companies ask the same of their own country?

Good thing it was only a Cessna doing 50-60 mph.

Yeah, I’ve already read this story done right...

Garry Kasparov held the title for 15 years (1985 to 2000).

Casting and mirroring are two different things in Chromecast.

Casting means that the content is streaming directly from the content provider to the Chromecast. When casting, your smartphone, tablet, or tab in Chrome on a PC is only the user interface (pause, play, searching, and etc).

Mirroring means that whatever is