
Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

Technically it’s G-D-A-E on any violin

In fairness they tried to arrest Bruce but he was nowhere to be found.

I just don’t think Miller is that great. I felt that Arkham Asylum is a much better 80s Batman book. People keep saying that Miller is a seminal, revered creator, but I really don’t get it. He’s no Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman, and I would argue that he is less than Morrison when GM is at his best.

Random question. So Ghibili is like the equivalent of Disney in Japan?

the spartan laser kicks gjallarhorn’s butt any day :P

As someone who recently finished a one month rotation at a teaching hospital for OB, I have to strongly disagree with many of the author’s assertions. I think the assumption that most physicians practice in the manner in which the author describes are inaccurate and I question what evidence the author had in making

What would you do if you weren’t a Bear?

then went on to win the Superbowl.

This was a mistake on my part. The calendar is still only available to preview members. It’s not rolling out to everyone else yet. Sorry about that.

I don’t think I have the patience to complete the original Halo on legendary. Congrats!

I loathe when video games require me to play cards in order to advance. I distinctly remember loving 1998’s James Bond 007 on Game Boy, but was thwarted when I was made to play poker or some shit in order to advance. I had to win x amount of dollars and I never could. I hate poker. I fucking hate poker. I remember

Way to go, dick.

If you put it up for auction then fair enough. If you just set the price to $200 then you’re a dick.

There doesn’t *need* to be two-party consent to disclose the content of an email - emails aren’t secretly recorded conversations.

Any time gamers bitch about lack of innovation in gaming, i point them to the shit show that was the Xbox One launch. Gamers bitched and complained over Kinect and got it sidelined solely because gamers like to bitch. This is why we can’t have nice things. Was Kinect perfect? Hell no, but the sheer whining was absurd.

If you know of one who has played through all of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, as Whitaker has, I’m all ears. His credentials are not merely his expertise in British history but also his expertise in video games.

If only it is a book and not an interview

Even Attack of the Clones is more entertaining to watch that Destiny’s story

Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).