
Yeah, that's pretty much what this is. It's already wired up to USB though, so you can just plug it into your TV and be done with it. No fussing.

Yeah, that's pretty much what this is. It's already wired up to USB though, so you can just plug it into your TV and

"Gamers who purchased the Xbox One on launch day received special controllers in their boxers."

Euclideon is currently open for investors in its games division, if you are interested please contact us.

Because the developed countries have played X-Wing and TIE Fighter, and we all know which of those was the superior game.

Update: Mike Tyson Elected Mayor of Toronto

Crucial MX100 512GB. $209 with prime shipping on Amazon.

Crucial MX100 512GB. $209 with prime shipping on Amazon.

Occasionally you can even find this SSD at 100 USD. At this price, this SSD is nothing but a steal, and it's meant as the successor to their highly successful M4. Performance wise it doesn't really top charts, but it's not slouch either, as it'll breeze through almost everything you throw at it.

Occasionally you can even find this SSD at 100 USD. At this price, this SSD is nothing but a steal, and it's meant

Ah yes, the beloved fictional character George Lucas. He made the best villain in the prequels.

George Lucas really is the most memorable boss battle in gaming.

Its actually Ray Albers, apparently:

ah, the six button pad, small and comfortable, one of the best pads ever made

This is cheating.

When asked about his opinion on Hamas, Emmitt Smith replied that it's too garlicky.

Can also be called the Bane pose.

One thing Microsoft has done consistently well in post "THE DUKE" is controllers. Feel, design, responsiveness and power flexibility. The play and charge kit for the Xbox One lasts FOREVER.

One thing Microsoft has done consistently well in post "THE DUKE" is controllers. Feel, design, responsiveness and

People still think this is a good joke?

This seems to be the consensus among the Internet Critics Who Have Access to Microphones (or Cameras) these days.

I appreciate your reply being the only one to answer the question.