
Who needs all these fancy new doodads. You don't know what livin' is 'til you drive a team of horse like I used to. All these ridiculous wires you stick in your ears to hear a bunch of caterwauling from some half-dressed floozie. We didn't need all this new-fangled shit to have fun in my day. We'd just walk out into



I guess this game deserves a .....

... titan of a GIF *sunglasses*

"That's not an Atlas. THIS is an ATLAS!"

Semi-relatable...I have yet to play a Jurassic Park game as good as Rampage Edition. This game was something special for using a liscense, and at the same time, made for a pretty good shooter/platformer hybrid on the Genesis.

"I thought it might be a little broad." Um, Jon? The term is "woman". Sexist.

ahh.. nerds are the worst..

And there's always one of you on high horse that think they know about copyright or design after skimming on few screenshots.

The fern is probably the closest thing to copypaste accusation but that could be just the artists imitate the assets. It happens sometimes especially if you work with many artists (especially

From my experience with making games(game classes) you design with the idea that players aren't going to pay much attention to items like these. They're just there to fill space so it doesn't look so empty. If you put too many resources(polys and HD textures) into "props", you'll have less available for the

Well the textures are a decently high resolution considering in most games they would just be a blurry mess. It's the actual models themselves that look all blocky.

The textures are great actually, its the models that are super low poly.

And models!

No, no, no... Ever watched... "Human Target"?

Poetic Slimline Case

For the love of Gob, please stop calling her J Law.

Don't you mean why I would want my Windows PC to look like my Mac PC?

yes if he didn't have his keys the odds of him having his phone.... its a stupid video

Maybe he payed a burly locksmith with a sexual favor.