And yet they don’t see the hilarity in them calling people snowflakes nonstop like it is the worst insult ever, when they throw tantrums over the way people are talking about them or to them.
And yet they don’t see the hilarity in them calling people snowflakes nonstop like it is the worst insult ever, when they throw tantrums over the way people are talking about them or to them.
Cindy McCain apologized on Wednesday for remarks she made about having thwarted what she claimed was a human trafficking attempt at an airport.
Yup. They gave his mom car insurance when no one else would, is how I think the story goes.
He doesn’t owe us an explanation.
Re: Shaq’s endorsements.
Well lord knows that there are no prominent Latino playwrights or composers.
That is absolutely the way this judge saw it. He completely disregarded this molester’s sexual battery conviction and focused on his ‘intellectual disability,’ to the detriment of those young girls AND justice. An issue that didn’t make it into the Jez piece: the judge questioned the level of harm both girls suffered…
“It shocked me. It hurt me. I did seek help. I went to a priest…I am not racist. This was nearly 40 years ago.”
Going to the House to give the State of the Union is a relatively recent phenomenon. The SOTU used to be given to the Speaker as a letter, which was one of the options Nancy gave in her January 16 letter.
Keep in mind through all of this that there is a high-powered GOP-linked PR firm behind everything coming from the family and school since the story broke. It’s a firm connected to Mitch McConnell. None of this is an accident or some “natural evolution” of the story.
right? i feel like our media right now has this mindset of “giving everyone equal air time” and “sharing both sides of the story.” but one side objectively fucking sucks. we know what this kid was doing, and we know why. don’t give his crybaby tour a platform. phillips’ response immediately following was gracious and…
I’d much rather see Phillips being interviewed, not some privileged little twerp.
I know he’s just a kid but fuck him and his victimhood. He knew exactly what he was doing and has zero remorse.
He’s going to pop up in Kentucky running for office in a decade or so, you can set your watch by it.
On a very minor side note, they’ve ruined red baseball caps. I looked good in my red baseball cap; now it just sits there, wondering what it’s done wrong and why we never hang out anymore.
They know exactly what it means, and they attempt to gaslight everyone (because they are stupid enough to think it works).
That whole group was. That group of dipshit dancing teens hooting and hollering and causing a scene was just them “showing their school spirit” in their MAGA hats.
If that’s his regular smile, he’s got smiling douche face.
I love how the husband criticized his wife for paying for laundry service when he's obviously not doing any of the housework or child care.