Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.
Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.
Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.
Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.
This discussion came up at a party recently. One guy was lamenting Modern America, and sort of facetiously asking how he was supposed to communicate with women at work nowadays without getting called into HR or sued, and settling into a robotic monotone with his hands by his side. And a friend, who I would NOT have…
traditional girls will do what you’re told, never interrupt a man/boy when he’s speaking, always defer to the males in the room, do not complain when being should be thankful that you are pretty enough to be molested....and never, ever, ever, say no. That’s just not…
OK, but like my bras have several hooks - at least two rows and two columns (so 4-6 hooks usually, of which I need to use 2-3). If you are trying to clasp it behind your back, how do you make sure you are hooking the right hook onto the right loop? This seems unnecessarily complex.
The worst part is, big pharma makes so very little off of vaccines, and far more off the vitimins that some people turn to as an alternative. Also let's not Kidd ourselves, anti-vaxx is also full of cupidity, and given the lack of regulation on their shit, the alternative side is full of more charlitans.
That jumped out at me too.
“Bloody foreigners, coming to our country, taking our jobs, imposing their way of life on us. I won’t stand for it!”
Ex Band Geek here. I ask you, Mark. Next time you’re in a room with even 5 other people. Ask them all to count to 10 in their head and then clap once they get to “10". I would bet you $100 you get a cascade of people clapping at different times.
What’s missing from the story is how the government dragged their feet on this: The girl’s mother gave up guardianship to the girl’s grandmother. The grandmother’s boyfriend raped her, so the government removed the grandmother from guardianship because she co-habitated with a racist. But they didn’t give her back to…
My wife and I went through a very similar experience, but we are in Ohio. Went in for a routine check up at 20 weeks. The doctor came in and told us they suspected he had bilateral renal agenesis, meaning he didn’t develop kidneys and likely wouldn’t be able to develop lungs. Told us they have only ever had one case…
If Jussie Smollett staged this whole thing - the letter and the physical attack - as a ploy to get a more lucrative contract, he has done a terrible disservice to both the black community and the LGBTQ community, which he both belongs to and used for his own game.
Victims’ accusations must be treated seriously and investigated to fullest extent, but accusations should never be automatically believed.
Actually, it’s kind of the exact opposite--this shows how very difficult it is to convincingly fake an attack, and how easily the stories of people lying about being assaulted crumble under investigation. Nobody is sincerely equating “believe victims” with “don’t investigate crimes”; that’s a straw man used by rape…
He’s a person who envisions the “working class” as dads on the factory line, not single moms who are waitresses. And it’s painfully obvious.
I get worried when legitimate complaints of Bernie get handwaved away as: “Well you don’t have to like him to support him”. It reeks of the same double-standard Trump supporters use. With the field that exists today, we don’t need to hitch up to this wagon again.
He shouldn’t be the Democratic Party candidate for president.
Same. Also, not just too old. Too many questionable comments about race, including one hella recently. And then there’s the matter of not responding quick enough to sexual harassment in his campaign. And, has he ever commented on the toxicity of some of his (male) supporters?