
“I was a little bit busy running around the country

Any word on whether Bernie Sanders is going to actually BE AN ACTUAL MEMBER of the Democratic Party or is he just going to once again demand to receive the nomination of a political party to which he neither belongs nor pays dues nor fundraises? 

“Pete smokes so much weed that it makes people uncomfortable.”

I was telling people--those tapes must have been pretty bad if they proved her case AND they shelled out $9.5 million over it. 

That captured on tape thing really explains why they ended up paying her so much. Also if the show runners knew that it was on tape, why on Earth would they start commenting about the events to reporters as they had to know that would force a response from Dushku? Like I cannot comprehend that level of arrogance in

In the tapes the CBS lawyers showed, they thought that Eliza cursing on set was all the proof they needed to show that SHE was the problem. The video contained cut and dry examples of sexual harassment happening in real time, and it didn’t even register to them that they were shooting themselves in the foot. But a

My theory is the unholy cabal that runs the Republican Party wants only just enough women in Congress (and government in general) to not get called out too badly for having no women in it at all.

We miss you Drew. We all want you to get better. NO ONE DENIES THIS.

So where’s Lincoln then if the Bad Place got every US President but Lincoln, but nobody’s got into the Good Place for over 400 years?

I wish that my three children didn’t require surgical intervention to enter the world. The havoc those C sections have wreaked on my back and abs can’t be overstated.

I thought I was the only person that did this! My friends always (lovingly) mock me for reading the synopses of every new horror movie that comes out (plus Game of Thrones). Many a night, my husband comes home to find me staring at the screen, terrified, after reading a bunch of synopses.

His location wouldn’t even break into the top fifty of High School football stadiums in Texas.

That first embedded tweet has me dead to the bed. lol She in there mean-mugging like she ain’t scared AF, while the whole block has her all-the-way caught up. lol

Dont forget the seasonal version

Follow up: just now, thinking about this story, I went to look at the registry of deeds for the town I grew up in. They’ve got everything digitized now, so I was able to look up the closing paperwork for the house. There, my parents both signed, as did a notary, but the witness section?

Bow before the one true GIF

I finally found this thread early early enough to *maybe* not be totally buried! The most intensely creepy thing that’s ever happened to me is also the most oddly beautiful.

Me wait ALL YEAR for this moment. ALL YEAR.


They should have taken a page from the Friends cast, who made sure to keep their shit tight. They agreed after the first season to earn the same amount of money so they avoided resentments and never fucked up the brand. I read somewhere a few years ago that over the course of their lives the Friends cast will earn