
I have to go to the renault 4

My personal Peugeot 205 XS.

Andrea Bargnani thought about jumping to help J.R. Smith's defense, but ended up just watching.

Agreed there as well, and I think that's something a lot of people forget. Ken started rallying at the same age Loeb was when he won his ninth title.

I love how the mass media and New Yorkers act like the Knicks are a "storied franchise" that deserves the excessive attention they get, and Tim Duncan has twice as many rings as the Knicks do in their nearly 70 years of existence.

If I wanted to listen to a children's songs filled with agony and despair I'd just put in Big Willie Style.

Peugeot has never been known for its quirkiness, it's always been about conservative but classy designs. Excluding the first decade of this century, maybe, as they produced mostly crap between 2002-2012.

They've got everything they need to build one, except for two essentials; Potential buyers and an available budget.

You know, usually when the phrase "most powerful _____ ever" is used one expects to be blown away by some ridiculous horsepower number. Good thing we have the French to keep everything in check.

I use it for a dry rub with pork chops. Grills beautifully. The cinnamon in it really pairs well with any kind of pig meat. Delicious.

Go home, Hoffmeister. You're drunk.

To be fair to Dolan, what is he supposed to do here? Take a stand against nepotism?

"I know there's no 'right' way to use that word, but really, is there a 'right' way to use any word?"

OK, wait—there's a Ravens player doing "Ooh Kill 'Em" who isn't retired?

Cleeland was clubbed in the face by a sock filled with coins, coins that free-agent linebacker Andre Royal had spent all day collecting from teammates.

Funny, usually it's a lot harder to spot a dick when it's covered with boxers.

I really should have gone with "Actually, filming a Kennedy shooting wasn't that hard."

And Cablevision still has a damn channel guide that looks like it is from 1996