I hope he at least takes a crack at it.
I hope he at least takes a crack at it.
The House GOP immediately filed a motion to terminate Russell, based solely on the fact that Obama embraced this Bill.
Who needs football when Richie clearly has a bright future ahead in politics, Eh?
Pictured: What Sarah Palin Thinks Her Orgasms Look Like
The most shocking part of this story is Incognito having a rudimentary understanding of fractions.
Geez, talk about an offensive lineman, amirite?!?!
Also dubious was Incognito's gesture of sending a desert gift basket of Octaroons and Half-black and white cookies
If a Jeep crashes in Tiananmen Square, and everyone is there to see it, it still doesn't make a sound, depending who you ask.
We would've ruined him by not using him properly. Not trading down and taking Jrue Holliday was the mistake.
Blue Is the Warmest Color should have been one of the feel-good stories of the fall. A moving three-hour drama about…
Franzouse, I agree. This is going to be one of the greats.
Dassault is calling the $45 million Falcon X the most advanced yet, and it's easy to see their point. It's fast, cheap, efficient, advanced, luxurious. Ignore all that. It has a freaking skylight! Why isn't this in every plane?
The company I work for has four Falcon 900EX and one Falcon 7X. They are beautiful aircraft and a pleasure to fly in. I prefer the looks of the three engine design versus two engines and also it adds a bit more safety if going international.
Dassault is calling the $45 million Falcon X the most advanced yet, and it's easy to see their point. It's fast,…
I figured someone would say that Sooner or later.
CDC: Coach, we're from the Center for Disease Control. We'd like to do a once-over on the locker room after the team leaves. Are y'all close to departure?
Hey, maybe if she didn't wanna get hit, she should have been born a man and then hit this guy even harder with her stronger, faster arms.
The mating ritual of the New Jersey male continues to mystify anthropologists.
As has been widely reported, I have been asked to leave the Morgan Motor Company by the board. It is a sad decision…
This is a fantastic article. +1