
I hope he at least takes a crack at it.

The House GOP immediately filed a motion to terminate Russell, based solely on the fact that Obama embraced this Bill.

Who needs football when Richie clearly has a bright future ahead in politics, Eh?

Pictured: What Sarah Palin Thinks Her Orgasms Look Like

The most shocking part of this story is Incognito having a rudimentary understanding of fractions.

Geez, talk about an offensive lineman, amirite?!?!

Also dubious was Incognito's gesture of sending a desert gift basket of Octaroons and Half-black and white cookies

If a Jeep crashes in Tiananmen Square, and everyone is there to see it, it still doesn't make a sound, depending who you ask.

We would've ruined him by not using him properly. Not trading down and taking Jrue Holliday was the mistake.

Franzouse, I agree. This is going to be one of the greats.

Dassault is calling the $45 million Falcon X the most advanced yet, and it's easy to see their point. It's fast, cheap, efficient, advanced, luxurious. Ignore all that. It has a freaking skylight! Why isn't this in every plane?

The company I work for has four Falcon 900EX and one Falcon 7X. They are beautiful aircraft and a pleasure to fly in. I prefer the looks of the three engine design versus two engines and also it adds a bit more safety if going international.

I figured someone would say that Sooner or later.

CDC: Coach, we're from the Center for Disease Control. We'd like to do a once-over on the locker room after the team leaves. Are y'all close to departure?

Hey, maybe if she didn't wanna get hit, she should have been born a man and then hit this guy even harder with her stronger, faster arms.

The mating ritual of the New Jersey male continues to mystify anthropologists.

This is a fantastic article. +1