Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!

Thanks Malthus.

a total lack of effort, they say.

I’m sure it will get remade again in 20 years.

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

I didn’t know people like you exist.  You’re like a unicorn, except real.

If it’s got eggs, it ain’t plant-based!

I do remember that.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Down here on South-America, it was that the carriers touted unlimited 3G as a viable alternative to the aging DSL networks... well, that f*cked up the network so bad that anytime a carrier even manages to offer unlimited 3g-4G-whatever-G people get doubtful. It doesn’t matter that it’s still technically unlimited...

Considering the rocket isn’t actually grounded to anything, I think it just passes right through (if my high school physics serves correctly, which it often doesn’t so caveat emptor).

Read up on the launch of Apollo 12. A lightning strike hit the Apollo/Saturn V stack about 30 seconds after liftoff. It through the telemetry and displays out of whack. The crew nearly triggered an abort, but John Aaron figured the problem out and gave the instructions to switch the Signal Conditioning Electronics to

Airplanes get struck by lightning all the time - same thing basically

What this research actually seems to be saying is that if you leave your child with a crappy babysitter who restrains them in a car seat for hours instead of actually caring for them, then there’s an increased risk they might die. Letting your baby sleep in their car seat next to you in a restaurant is not going to

plus maintenance...and the constant software patches to keep their murderous tendencies at bay

I couldn’t agree more. And I know from first hand experience that this is happening. So the government is now suing companies that make pain medications for cancer patients and accident victims...... it’s completely absurd. If there is abuse it’s not the manufacturers issue in any case. That would be a doctor over

It’s unrealistic and delivered by an anti-science messenger.

I think they all follow the same path as the THC spider. Winter comes, they have no home, and end up as the crack spider’s bitch.

I love taking trains in Europe but given the size of most European countries, domestic train travel makes much more sense (and is far cheaper) than taking a jet. In a country the size of the US, the only decent, realistic train service would be regional. I live in New York and always prefer taking the train if I have

Um. I was threatened by an Amtrack employee for bringing my own beer on the train. Have they changed their policy?