Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!

...was it more likely that in these countries they didn’t want to pay extra for these ‘safety’ controls?

I’m sure it only cost the company a gazillion dollars in profit — the actual ink itself was only worth about $100.

Training consisted of an hour with an iPad.

Boeing marketed the 737 MAX as not needing extra training.

It’s a little complicated. Boeing designed the plane to have the same flight characteristics of the previous 737 so they would not require more training (in order to save the airlines even more money). The problem is that the engines are more powerful and in a slightly different position which did change the

I read the Times article before Giz posted it.  The basic answer is yes.  Safety standards in these nations aren’t as robust, and the airlines themselves don’t have as much money to throw around so they get the base models.

Simmons has about nine inches on me...”

I laughed...

Trump: “My building says Trump, his says Apple.”

Its hard for trump to understand that not every company is named after the asshole who runs it.

Oh the impatient assholes...I almost got killed yesterday biking home from work when some impatient asshole spazzed out when behind a stopped garbage truck, and sped toward...a red light. My life, and by extension, trash collectors’ lives, are far less important than these poor babies having to wait a WHOLE TEN

Just FYI for the first guy, trash collecting is a dangerous job because they’re driving a lot and they’re out of their vehicle near the roadway a lot. It’s not even remotely due to the nature of the trash. They could be picking up three ounces of purified water per stop and it would be just as dangerous.

They were bringing jobs to the area at a cost of several billion in tax breaks which would have been better spent on smaller local businesses that would provide a more broad based prosperity without the catastrophic gentrification and conflict that places like San Francisco have seen.

A doctor, a nurse, and a Texas lawmaker walk into a bar.

The approval process is expensive for the sake of it being expensive. It keeps the riff-raff (cheaper competition) out of the market.

People literally die here because they cant afford insulin, a necessary injection for most diabetics, all because our healthcare is shit and that we have to give billionaires even more money than they need for it

“Why do people think they are entitled to free medications? It’s business, like any other.”

Woah woah. OK, Matt love your writing, you need to shut this shit down immediately.

I dont think anyone is asking for free medicine. Its disgusting to see every other commercial out there for prescription meds, why is there multi-million dollar ad campaigns for meds?? Sorry if Im sick my doc needs to tell me what meds I need not my tv. Capitolism has ruined American medicine, its all about the money.

It’s ok to bluff when you’re only bending the rules.

When it comes to early adopting, you gotta know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em.