Nap Time Frank™

17. should have been “getting hit by a lawn jart.”

1. Original Metal Tipped Lawn Jarts......end of discussion.

In history classes far into the future, the question: what was the tipping point that started WWIII? will be easily answered on final exams, much unlike the convoluted response for say, WWI, it will be a simple, one word answer: Twitter.

Yeah, so I’m guessing sending an aircraft carrier across the sea didn’t exactly help, either.

“We’re in the NFL. We’re in a multibillion corporation. You can write that off on your taxes, but you’re charging these kids? There’s no part of it that’s right. Your heart’s not in the right direction when you’re doing that.”

I’m sure this joke will Passover many people’s heads.

It shouldn’t Holocaust these kids anything to attend.

I know earnest does not work well here, but fucking good for him. Just a guy in the NFL who wants to do right by the kids and who calls other guys out for charging them — even if on behalf of a charity that these kids have no responsibility to support? Hell yeah.


+6 million Jews.

“Camps? I think he meant centers.” - Sean Spicer

For the love of God, why? I’ve been to war. There is nothing good or glorious about it. Yet Trump has to wave his dick around, which will only get a lot of good people killed. He already dropped a MOAB in the middle of a diplomatic crisis with Russia, signaling that he will go all the way up to using nuclear weapons,

Anyone who thinks we’re more than 12 years away from President Johnson is simply out of their mind.

Pro wrestling isn’t real

Now playing

Maybe there’s a scene where Wolverine and Cable go to a Japanese restaurant.

I’m sorry, but he’s clearly a terrible choice. He clearly has human-sized feet, a normal number of teeth, and a spine that doesn’t twist like a cat’s. How can he possibly play Cable?

I guess Keira Knightley couldn’t fit it in.