
Except that he’s now got dust all over himself and his clothes, and unless he strips naked and takes a decon shower before removing that mask, he’s going to inhale some of it. I expect he’s going to regret this visit in a few years.

Nah, since her business is likely to go under any minute now she’s perfect material for the Trump Organization and/or campaign!

As a doctor, reading your post, I don’t get the sense you actually know what you’re talking about. There’s a lot of “well bad stuff happens commonly, this is no different” in your post. Unfortunately, you can’t just speak in broadly general terms and then apply it to a very specific situation such as this.

Why was she trusted to run a lab period. A university drop out who couldn’t complete a degree in Chemical Engineering. Turns out she is just a scam artist like the rest of the start up world.

“Just the time I need to get this book finished.”

No, filling in those numbers would be hogwash. Creating models and estimates based on what we know is, well, creating models and estimates based on what we know.

It was hard to fit the video camera & operator anywhere near the screen

I’d say the Mesopotamians invented it 8000 years ago.

Arya will kill Cersei

If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.

This is about the most depressing thing I’ve read since the last time I read something about the state of the planet.

Lawsuits in their early stages can proceed without really requiring a lot of personal involvement from plaintiffs until later stages since it’s mostly behind the scenes lawyer paper work. Also I’d like to add that no one gets to dictate how the families of those affected should grieve in cases like this. Everyone’s

image sharing, social media and data analytics all could have been pooled into tumblr to make it a facebook/wordpress hybrid with yahoo news on the top followed by user generated feeds that are trending and a link to personal feed with followers, may be a bit of an ad revenue share model and an api to host a tumblr

And disrupt, never forget disrupt. Everyone is disrupting because they are disruptive.

All of these company names read like they were focus-grouped to hell, then the feedback was thrown out as the founders went back to the bag of Scrabble tiles.

Great comment.

Yes, but that would have been false advertising. I slowed it down and there was not time for insertion into actual anus. Maybe a massage of crack, but not penetration. So, I would have advocated the firing, public shaming and perhaps castration of everyone involved.

My god, I would have loved it if the synopsis for that last episode had simply and elegantly been: “man sticks finger up butt of another man”.

Hell, it’s thanks to regulations that auto manufacturers have to put in safety equipment so that we’re not all driving death traps.