
“I told you building your own fucking water slide was a bad fucking idea. Why can’t you be more like your brother Dave. Loser.”

No, sir, I’m sorry but you did not disclose that you installed a 700 foot waterslide on your property, so we will be declining coverage on this claim.

Since you likely haven’t watched the new Ghostbusters movie it didn’t ruin your childhood memories. In fact your childhood memories are probably pretty bad if you think the original was really that good....and they weren’t already ruing by GBII.

There is an xkcd for everything.

To be entirely pedantic, there’s free speech and then there’s Free Speech. Government agents are constitutionally prohibited from infringing on your Free Speech, while private entities are generally frowned upon for inhibiting free speech. Obviously, invoking free speech as a license to harrass is objectionable and

Yet another person who does not understand the concept of free speech:

Is Kim Jong-un ordering take out?

I always thought it was the conservatives that were all about offshoring money and avoiding taxes? Also, since when is the military a bastion of liberalism? If anything, they are conservative. You know, wars, guns, don’t ask, don’t tell, etc.

Nobody is blaming “all of this” on one person. But it would still be nice to hold somebody accountable.

“I slept in again, made it to class today, but did not do the reading. So what’s an ecosystem?”

Pretty sure they were created in 1993.

So were the cyber demons created 6000 years ago like everything else and then just had to sit around until computers were invented?

He reported a man to the police for taking pictures, and the police fucking attended that report.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Oh wait wait, was the man black?

“and the Islamic jihadists have an app that shows them where Christians are located geographically.”

And anyone who went to an adult movie theater and was shown Ghostbusters, and not a parody adult version, would have every right to complain.

To quote a line from the Original Ghostbusters theme song... “bustin makes me feel good”.

I hear the scene where the girls cross the streams is pretty intense, if you’re into that sort of thing.

I am going to go to the adult movie theater using my adult money with my adult wife while driving my adult car this weekend.

That is self confirmation bias. We assume that A) we are important enough to contact and B) it took us so long to evolve and we’ve only been here as an “advanced” species for 135 years, therefore it must be exceedingly rare.