
I’m sort of sad you didn’t include a review of Totinos... that frozen pizza that usually sells for around $1.50 in today’s dollars.

I liked that phone. Although I’m not sure webOs would have been up to the task of competing with Android, IOS, or even Windows Phone. It always seemed kind of sluggish.

This could happen anywhere. I’m not sure what “zero income tax” has to do with anything. There are also rich people that can afford to do this in every state.

The first entry was barely passable as a watchable movie. The second one was a complete waste of time. I’m not even sure how the studio was able to get approval for the third one.

“Liberal government”... you are way off on this. I would suggest reading a book on corporate tax law and stop listening to the news outlets. Apple, Google, and Microsoft are all multi-national companies. They do have tons of money socked away in other countries. However, getting that cash back in to the United States

It sounds like I need to work for Palantir!

Lame, what city do you live in? I WANT to be in a city where shit hits the fan on a regular basis?

This list could be worse.

I agree with what Matt says. However, it would be interesting to hear from some of these “scientist” that actually believe that their solution works.

You make a good point. However, there wasn’t a lot of evidence that Mayer was going this way. Sadly, they would have probably been a better company if the did make a facebook/wordpress hybrid. It could have changed the landscape completely if they implemented it well.

When larger companies acquire small startups, you really have to be committed to making it work. Many times, the acquisition has a terrible code-base and the talent is limited to just a few key people that were more interested in cashing in than getting assimilated in to the larger company. So I get the challenges.

Great comment.

This study was done by someone that has never been to these cities. Data doesn’t explain everything.

The Life After People special was great. They should have just stopped there and not made a series after it.

Well, regulation has done a lot of good things in the past. Lead was removed from paint and fuel decades ago due to regulation. Requirements that auto maker’s average MPG increase was and is due to regulation.

Why hasn’t EA released another Generals? I loved that game.

I’d take Gizmodo’s journalism over Endgadget’s journalism.

I worked for another cash rich company like this...

I’m sure wall street will treat this news as if the world was ending. However, $50 billion is still a crap load of revenue.

Yeah, I’m more nervous about the other 40 million.