
I purchased a 950 about 6 weeks ago. It has a couple bugs that I hope Microsoft fixes. However, it’s a good platform. It’s not as bad of a phone as you make it out to be. They need some more apps. However I still have about 50 installed on it, which is about the same number of apps that I have installed on my Nexus

Well that’s a bummer. I just bought the Nexus 6P. Although I like the look of the phone, it’s a little sluggish at times and the bettery sucks.

You are right... the earth will go on without us. We will ultimately be a small blip in the history of this earth. However, we are a unique species where we have “some” control of our desitiny by the choices we make.

Being a WindowsPhone/IOS user for a while (mainly Windows Phone), I upgraded to the Nexus 6P about 3 weeks ago. I read all of the reviews on how great of a phone it was.

You are just as bad as the terrorists. Your thinking is extremely small minded.

You make a good point. However, dramatic change over a short period of time is bad for business (think about the farming industry) and bad for life that can’t evolve as fast as us.

This was a developer conference, not a conference that shows off new hardware. That’s for later in the year.

I’m still trying to make sense of Kanye’s performance on SNL the other week. If those were his best songs from the album, I agree with the chipotle comment.

There isn’t a single law out there that would prevent something like this.

I don’t think that’s a good option at all. Mosquitoes are a food source for a lot of animals. You would essentially be killing off a lot of other animals in the process.

Nice, looks fun to sled down.

Sadly, you are probably right. There aren’t a lot of projects that take this long and live to tell a wonderful story at the end.

Plus the AT-AT would be a terrible weapon to make. It’s way to big for what it can do.

“Most likely there are some environmental protection laws preventing...”

I wish Netflix would pick up Firefly. It would be awesome to see a couple more seasons of that show.

I was thinking the same thing. They probably need to use rocks instead of just dirt.

That’s a bummer to hear. I’m only at level 12 so I’m sure I’ll run in to things like this as I progress. I experienced a lot of bugs like you mentioned during Fallout 3. I think I’ve become numb to it

I’m not sure your comment is completely genuine either. I just finished a presentation where I used the Surface Pen for an hour. It has never crashed on me.

I love my Surface Pro. I’ve got the 3 and 4. They are great machines.

Don’t open the console and download the updated. It will make it seem like you are giving away a used console.