
“Excellence in quality and patient safety is our top priority... Well, after getting funding and making money. And drawing media attention. But aside from those things, the quality stuff and patient whatever are definitely things we think about sometimes.”

Yes and no... Industrial areas will be abandoned but historic zones will likely be under a constant state of being repaired should things get that bad (aka Venice). Will it get to a point....probably.

I now have an urge to play C&C Generals, the best of the Command and Conquer series of games.

...other stars usually have their giant ass planets (i.e. their Jupiter) orbiting them at a much closer distance. This is really common in other systems!

It certainly wont save Gizmodos journalism.

They finance dividend payouts and buybacks through debt because its cheaper than bringing cash over here.

Sure, they made a lot of money. However, investments were made based on estimated earnings, and the true numbers fell short. Hence, lots of selling to adjust for the lower value. And yes, there is certainly some trepidation to be had about a tech powerhouse suddenly dropping in the growth category; after all, that’s

Only $50.6 billion, instead of $58 billion in one quarter?

You know what they say about women with large feet right?

Holy shit, relax! Just because they are only listed in men’s sizes doesn’t mean women can’t wear them.

I don’t think 30 year old milk is safe to ingest anyway. Just throw it out, already.

“Watch’s constant low-level notifications made me realize that there’s nothing really worth being notified about. Being able to feel every text, email, and whatever else, made me see how useless they mostly were.”

You are correct - absence of proof is not proof of absence. However, if you are going to claim that it is a fact that something exists - as Moneymaker has with Bigfoot - then you have to offer evidence to support your claim.

Well, with Black Holes, the math said they should exist. Bring me the math for Bigfoot and we can talk.

I had the privilege of visiting Cairo (proposed to my fiance in front of the pyramids) and Sharm-El-Sheik last July, and I’ve got to say i’m absolutely heartbroken by these pictures.

The terror threats had already decimated tourism by the time we arrived in Sharm, but it has the most majestic coastline I have ever

Somewhere, right now, somebody is looking at this picture and thinking...”I would totally fuck that.”

Yes, but doing it in the comment section or in an SMS message means you are an asshole.

Pointing out typos in professional articles or presentations, like this one, is fair game. If you do this for a living you deserve to be scrutinized for the part of your job that should be second nature. I am definitely not the authority in these things but I also don’t write for a living. Maybe if grammar and typos

I’d rather listen to a live feed from a Chipotle bathroom stall than listen to this.