
YEAH! Super bowl is OVER! Time to go drive for UBER! VROOM VROOM!

I’m calling BS. No one drinks Coors Light and gets drunk.

Difference is, those are relatively few people, each of whom take up a LOT of space.

I think a lot of people are misinterpreting the primary point of this piece.

Yea it is. And actually some guy skied down it. Just google “Boston snow pile ski”. It’s disturbing and hilarious at the same time.

Well, I see the PC police are out. Can’t do anything fun in this world, can we?

I think the difference isn’t projects taking this long but rather projects taking this long suffering major changes halfway through.

If a Halo ring is powerful enough to destroy a portion of the Galaxy, how is it less powerful than something that can ‘only’ destroy a planet?

The AT-AT could never hit anything.

Good! If nothing else than to get these stupid death traps off the market.

they are also banned from my home. does that count?

if that fails, there’s always Gorilla Glue and duct tape!

The fuck, people. Put a bunch of dirt into a few dumpsters, drive it to the hole, and pour it in.

Yours truly,
An internet commenter who is not a scientist

That’s awesome the Surface Pen is working well in your workflow. My experience was on several floor units at a Microsoft Store, and I’m starting to think those particular machines might have gotten more banged up than average. In any case, I haven’t ruled out the Surface line entirely, it just hasn’t compelled me

The original Surface Pro was still a really good 1.0. It was unfortunately over shadowed by MS’s Surface RT failure.

This is not a 1.0 iPad. It’s not a 1.0 Macbook.

Maybe the quart of vodka he was drinking daily had more to do with it.

Looks like he could use some Addictol...

Good, f@%k him!

I like it too. I just grabbed Kinect sports rivals for $15 this past weekend, and I use the fitness app whenever I can’t make it to the gym.