
College baseball. #LMAO

The only way Ellsbury gets a headline, #SAD.

Nah, I was a catcher, some pitchers make it impossible. I had a hose. Ask your sis.

He’s right, the guys are stealing on the pitcher. Watch the video, kids. No one could throw out even an average runner, with that slo-mo stiff on the mound. Or, maybe you’re new to the game.

Dude. Putin ordered the Russian olympic team to win a record number of gold medals. We know that doping scandal. Russia is a fucking nation of carnys.

This piece of shit is still in the show? “Big Game” GTFO.

Really comprehensive coverage of that Ward/Kovalev fight.

No, this will happen.

It usually goes like this: Floyd is fully cloaked early, and your best-ever jabs miss every fucking time.

Real boxers couldn’t get a clean punch to Floyd’s head. This guy in board shorts?

And, as we’ve learned, the sox beat writers who know exactly what’s going on will write about it in late October, in the form of a book. Gutless fucking pricks.



I’ll pay you $8.45 an hour, dealio?

Because Florida. It’s always because Florida.

The sun. Can’t hate the player.

.275 lifetime.

Anti-Christian? Ah, the lunatic fringe righty take.

Oh, the legit outrage.

(batter swings and misses)