Frank B. Chavez III

I am not sure if an official explanation was ever given for the designation U.S.S. In an early episode of the first season, Kirk refers to the Unites States Ship Enterprise but it only happened once. I think was the second pilot "Where No Man Has Gone Before" although it might have been Pike in "The Cage." Either

So I'm guessing the first movie will end with the escape from the Misty Mountains, the second will end with the escape from the Mirkwood Elves or maybe the arrival at Lake Town, and the third will be mostly about the adventures at the Lonely Mountain and the Battle of Five Armies.

1. Lose a sword fight on a volcano.

Because in the alternate universe Mitt Romney won the election. Superman was declared an illegal alien and he didn't agree to self-deport.

He got laid. It just happened off camera. He was (in)famous for his "Picard maneuver." It wasn't just a helmsman's clever ruse you know.

maybe I'm the wrong demographic but I don't get the appeal of Summer Glau. She was the weakest part of Firefly/Serenity. Was she more interesting in The Sarah Connor Chronicles? I never did get into that show.

I know this is supposed to be humorous and it is but is it wrong that all my favorite space operas have some form of all these elements? Also has this article appeared two or three times before? I wish there were more space operas on TV and in movie theaters. I could go for some melodrama right about now.

The plot seemed like an excuse for Aeon Flux-style violence without the sex appeal. And really their agency never realized people would figure out a way to erase the chips? Really?

Is this news any more ridiculous than Christian archaeologists claiming they found a piece of the true cross or Noah's ark?

Future events such as these will affect us in the future.

Stan Lee is 89 years old. He can do what he wants...even crap. Keeping busy can prevent dementia. Also, Marvel movies should be 90 minutes of Stan Lee cameos...and 10 minutes of super-heroics.

I feel like Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick are in different universes...probably for the reason you're sitting. Pitch Black reminds me of Alien while Chronicles is an unapologetic pulpy space opera. Dark Fury wasn't quite enough to tie the two together.

Could you have made better animation in 8th grade?

Now playing

This is what happens when screenwriters try to copy the "St. Crispin's Day" speech. They remember reading it in their English lit class but can't quite remember the tone or rhythm and are too lazy to look it up.

The Mon Calamari cruisers from Return of the Jedi and the movie version of the Heart of Gold.

Maybe it's the all new villain Gary Kahn? I wish they would just release a trailer already.

Yeah and maybe they'll get rid of that nonsense about warp drive too. Oh wait...

The difference is intent. If someone fires a gun into the air and the bullet kills someone, that's reckless or depraved indifference. If someone plans a murder and carries it out, that's evil.

I wonder if Topps justified the violence by claiming they were educational like they did with the Civil War series that was a precursor to Mars Attacks?

"Starship Troopers" is probably one of his best early satires if you read it as using extreme exaggeration as a way of making his point that American's take the right to vote for granted. According to the commentary track, Verhoven got very depressed and didn't finish the book. His movie feels like he took Heinlein