Frank B. Chavez III

"A number of the nominations on the final ballot are for works published by Castalia House, a tiny publisher in Finland run by Rabid Puppies organizer Theodore "Vox Day" Beale, who is also nominated as an editor"

The reason is simple—they're not sci-fi fans; they only pretend to be.

I know. My comment was intended as a sort of sideways compliment; it's a GOOD thing to have a disconnect from that point of view.

I know some will think I'm crazy for this choice, but I've always found the prose of The Silmarillion to be absolutely beautiful.

“And amid all the splendours of the World, its vast halls and spaces, and its wheeling fires, Ilúvatar chose a place for their habitation in the Deeps of Time and in the midst of the

The last chapter in particular is just heartbreaking every time I read it.

But what if the straight white male experience is the only one worth seriously considering, and any other consideration is merely pandering to the identity politics of others?

I've been reading/watching all this from the sidelines, but my impression is that part of what these guys resent is the implication that to be taken seriously, a medium must include the entire range of human experience. They want "serious and important" to be defined as "white, male, patriarchal" — the mere act of

Good on them for taking a stand. So sad that they should feel the need to. This whole thing does illustrate how few people actually submit nominees for the Hugos though. That's not surprising, but it does make me think maybe the nomination process should be changed somehow.

Because instead of everything being about straight white men 100% of the time, it's now only about straight white men 90% of the time.

Can someone explain how in all seriousness people can say with a straight face that elderly white males are suddenly a persecuted minority?

Why am I not surprised three of these involve AI. Sigh.

Am I insane for wanting a comic book movie to look like a comic book...?

It's blue.

Always been influenced by how the original action figure (which I still have) was clearly blue:

Screw that. I had the action figure, and he was blue. I also had like a zillion trading cards, picture books, nearly everything that existed. Blue.

Theia- I now know what to name a daughter if I ever have one.

We must find Theia.

I could go for an Odyssey movie! Just don't remove the gods and mythology like Troy did.

I'm not going to say it makes complete sense. But minus a few dropped plot threads it holds together remarkably well as compared to watching it during the first run when it seems to make very little sense.

I don't know, Ria. Suddenly I want to watch your nitty-gritty Joker craftsman movie.