Giving Boba Fett as a gift is apropos since his first appearance was that animated short from the otherwise abysmal Star War Holiday Special.
Giving Boba Fett as a gift is apropos since his first appearance was that animated short from the otherwise abysmal Star War Holiday Special.
These remind me of the superheroes I used to make up when I was a kid. I had the Demi-God, an Irish Thor rip off; the Fly-Boy, like Batman but with flies; Dr. Impossible, a Dr. Fate knockoff; Dr. Lightning and her sidekick Kid Lightning, a pair of energy beings and some sort of Western hero who rode a motorcycle.
Everybody was giraffe neck fighting. Their necks were fast as lightning...
This guy hasn't even had a speaking part. He's less than a bit player.
It was an allusion to Back to the Future. Joss Whedon thought he was being cute.
For another early appearance, look for him towards the end of Kenneth Branagh's version of Henry V.
Former Starfleet employee? That makes it sound like Cumberbatch is playing the former janitor. Is John Harrison out for revenge because they replaced the janitorial staff with robots?
Kind of stretch considering that "far, far away" is a generic phrase that Lucas used to create the atmosphere of a fairytale. Fairytales always take place "long ago and far away."
This looks like one of those movies where the deal to make the movie was so exhausting that they didn't have the energy to make the movie. Comedy trailers usually make me laugh. I didn't even snicker. It just made me sort of itch.
Mad Max saved the last vestiges of civilization from ruthless barbarians...that's sort of saving the world.
Get your simulated ass to simulated Mars.
My favorite Cartman episode is the one where Cartman carries out an elaborate scheme to force Scott Tennerman to eat his own parents. He actually gets away with and all Kyle and Stay can say is that shouldn't piss off Cartman in the future.
Beats the hell out of a boring ol' gingerbread house any day of the week. I didn't know gingerbread engineer was a thing. Is it his living or just a hobby? Either way, that's so cool.
I am so tired of these over-the-top responses to gay marriage. None of the states that have legalized gay marriage are forcing churches or synagogues or mosques to accept gay marriage. They've only said that the state must recognize them. And what does the phrase "tradition family" even mean? The nuclear family?…
I love the action figures for the flying scenes. And the obvious socks for the homemade Superman costume were priceless.
I would add the Canadian series ReGenesis. It explores some of the issues we're looking at today such as climate change, GMOs and disease outbreaks. The heroes are all scientists. The final season was a little uneven but it was pretty awesome otherwise. I believe it's available on Hulu.
It's an artistic choice. The color was added to emphasize certain features of the photo such as faces or clothing.
Post invasion? Will the movie be about the aliens wondering why they weren't welcomed as liberators?
Its good that they also included ID in their ban otherwise ID proponents would try and sneak in the backdoor.
They way things are going, someone will make a remake or reboot of the Hobbit in a couple of years. It will feature Tobey Maguire and Daniel Craig. Christian Bale will cameo.