
The glue is carbs based so yes.

Salem could always turn to witchcraft to keep the grass tidy...oh wait ..they’ve burnt all the witches!

I would kill to have his ability to multitask.....
*probably too soon...

True confession: I can cook but I LOATHE doing it. Sometimes, I buy a whole chicken from Nando’s with all the side dishes. I throw all wrappers away securely then I dirty up plates and bowls in the sink to make it appear I cooked from scratch while the chicken roasts in the oven ( I roast it again for a few minutes!)

Why does my mind think reading by including the measuring tape holder is less accurate than bending the tape to take a reading?

Ive seen them before in China. Some Lenovo phones require us to remove the battery cover then attaching it (i.e. the phone) to the flip cover. The one i saw was silicon with clear plastic clips. It was a finger print smudge nightmare but really cool looking when clean.

Im curious. Were the continents almost the same as they are not when we moves out of Africa.

<- unrepented

I was actually referring to this: Malaysia’s government has ‘misplaced’ about US$600 Million. The paper trail of the ‘misplaced’ money is loosely leading to the Prime Minister’s personal bank accounts. If only there were proper accounting so that money spent by the government was accounted for so that it can be traced

Whats your dogs name? May I pat him?

well then how do u expect top govt officials to swindle money if there is no papertrail for them to see which department has the most money?

A government that has a paper trail of where money was spent is better for a govt that does not have it. Not having a paper trail allows mismanagement to sneak in and meddle with finances.

Pro tip: Dont get it yet. Let others use it and find bugs then 3 months from now , we can install it after all the bugs are fixed by Microsoft.

Theres an auto fb app to wish birthdays on fb already.

parenthesis = denotes whispering
(Is Christofer new here? ) <= see

(I have a workmate who keeps track of who wished her Happy Birthday on FB. Few months after her Bday passed, she made a passing comment about someone not wishing her happy birthday. Then few months after that she mentioned how many times she was wished happy bday on FB. Sooooo disturbing, no? !!!)

But the guy’s Russian accent makes up for it, no?

was it so hard as to do a launch during the daytime?

dude calm down!!!!