
Boots lists it already with all details.

From what we saw, Elaine was over her head and seemed amateurish. I just wish Amber had a clear video of Johnny hitting her. 

Why is no one questioning the judge why she did not allow all those rejected evidence?

Can someone start a Gofundme for Amber to help her pay off the money she owes Johnny? I have been saying it from  Day 1 that Amber is not angel but she is telling the truth about the abuse.

The judge has really eff things up by not allowing many of Amber’s evidence.
Amber is not innocent but she was wronged in this case. I really dont care about both of them but I do care that a person is being wronged and abused and being abused even more!

I believe Amber. I really wanted her to win. But I understand she was caught lying many times ( make up kit which wasn’t in production, Kate Moss, didnt follow through with the pledged money etc).
Someone out there saw something and knows something. They have to speak up for the truth. Amber can’t do this alone

I get abused online daily for saying I believe Amber. But I dont really care. These days, I make sure my pro-Amber posts trigger as many of them as possible. Before coming here, I said ‘Jesus wept the day Amber was found guilty.’ You should see how many people get triggered when I use the name Jesus!!! Muahahahah

I believe her when she says she was assaulted by Johnny. I feel bad for her that not only do people not believe her, they are abusing her even more. Its not right and not fair.
The outcome would have been different if the juror were sequestered. 

Not sharing food in Sweden is not true. It used to be true but its not due to being stingy but its because the guest ( usually kids) are expected to eat at home by their own parents.  It is not true anymore because since the 1990's mobile phones were available so they could call the parent up any time. In the 1980s

This is correct. Amber’s lawyer said it on TV after the trial that the jurors ‘went back to their families’ ( meaning during the trial, they went back to their families)  and saw the number of Johnny fans. 

The following is incorrect:
Waldman defamed Amber by saying they roughed up a room  before calling the cops. 
Heard maligned Depp via her op-ed, while Depp defamed his ex-wife when his former lawyer, Adam Waldman, referred to her abuse allegations as a “hoax.

I dont know why but I’m grieving that Amber didnt win. I suddenly realised that I’m feeling very sad because Amber lost.

BOTH parties were found to have committed defamation to each other. Amber caused him to lose more money/opportunities because he is a bigger star with bigger salary.
The title saying only Johnny won is not correct. Amber also won her defamation case against Johnny. 
After offsetting each other’s damages as awarded by

The jury exists in an information bubble. They only see what the court lets them see. The jury are not fans or either celebs. Its very likely Amber will win. Partly because of Camille. Camille was on a power high because of all the attention she as receiving and was too rude in court. Personalities like these are not

But my phone only rings when I’m in the bathroom! I could be beside it all day and it wont ring but as soon as I step in the bathroom to do something it rings. Incidentally, FedEx only comes when Im not home!

20. “Oh, you’re married?” <—i dont get this???? black people dont marry???

True confession: I can cook but I LOATHE doing it. Sometimes, I buy a whole chicken from Nando’s with all the side dishes. I throw all wrappers away securely then I dirty up plates and bowls in the sink to make it appear I cooked from scratch while the chicken roasts in the oven ( I roast it again for a few minutes!)

Why does my mind think reading by including the measuring tape holder is less accurate than bending the tape to take a reading?

<- unrepented