
the lead isnt necessary. many other companies have similar designs without needing lead. 

The built-in lead is going to be a deal breaker for many people. Stanley has to remove it now.

I dont think the interview was that bad. There were soft questions. There were hard questions. Don asked Elon about Ketamine at 18 minutes of the interview on Youtube. Elon was very annoyed by that question and was agitated ever since that question.
Apparently Don was asking for lots of money, free car and free hotel

Can someone do these tests on a 2023 flagship phone ( without screen protector) and show results:
1) Phone with bunch of keys in pocket.
2) Drop test from table height.
3) Drop and slide ( screen facing) on floor test.

it was too picture perfect and smooth to not be fake. 

you forgot one thing. All this obsession with ancestry is an American thing. No other country does it! All the White Americans I have ever met has some point mentioned their ancestry in very specific detail . 

I’m confused:
The issue is that they cannot hold their breath long enough to swim under all the ice to open waters which is not covered by ice? Is that the case?

Because in the terms and conditions, FB advertising is allowed  to see what we save .....

We toggle the button to activate it but then why does it keep asking us to toggle the button each time we click a link?

Boots lists it already with all details.

Did anyone else hold their breath for a little bit when you saw the picture???

Based on Tiktok videos, its very likely because the foxes on Tiktok will come and roll over to get belly rubs and make a giggle sound. Only catch is this: the Fox needs to be reared by humans from babies to be very friendly.

From what we saw, Elaine was over her head and seemed amateurish. I just wish Amber had a clear video of Johnny hitting her. 

Why is no one questioning the judge why she did not allow all those rejected evidence?

Can someone start a Gofundme for Amber to help her pay off the money she owes Johnny? I have been saying it from  Day 1 that Amber is not angel but she is telling the truth about the abuse.

The judge has really eff things up by not allowing many of Amber’s evidence.
Amber is not innocent but she was wronged in this case. I really dont care about both of them but I do care that a person is being wronged and abused and being abused even more!

Wait till you see these mega online retailers located overseas do sales! They will send a paper clip worth US$0.040 ( not a typo) with free postage! Just think of the wrapping, petrol and manpower used up just to send that one paper clip! 

I believe Amber. I really wanted her to win. But I understand she was caught lying many times ( make up kit which wasn’t in production, Kate Moss, didnt follow through with the pledged money etc).
Someone out there saw something and knows something. They have to speak up for the truth. Amber can’t do this alone

I get abused online daily for saying I believe Amber. But I dont really care. These days, I make sure my pro-Amber posts trigger as many of them as possible. Before coming here, I said ‘Jesus wept the day Amber was found guilty.’ You should see how many people get triggered when I use the name Jesus!!! Muahahahah