
I doubt it. The only way this would have come out differently is if she had photos that matched her testimony. Her photographic evidence was her weak link. It made it look like she was lying about the abuse. Oh and the audio recordings made her sound like an abuser.

The warning at the beginning of that video is more like an advertisement.

Bah that’s old news, the Russians did that before and it was all done in the 1950s. Search for Doctor Sergei S. Bryukhonenko.

It took me a good 20 seconds to figure out wtf it was supposed to be.

Maybe we should stick to our “stop or we’ll say stop again!” policy.

Most likely scenario is a pretty killer Godzilla reboot.

Realistically, I would imagine the same plan as for events like Fukushima, which is not very much. We used to test nuclear weapons under water and on the Bikini Atoll, so I think we just bank on the ocean being so big that it disperses.

probably the same thing already happening when we do it?

I see Satan and Lucifier as brothers with what we refer to as the Holy Spirit has the parental part of God.

*Same. But I believe God and Satan are brothers who rule this planet and that a higher (and highest) God is their mother and ruler of the rest of the universe.

Most creatures that have tails use them for balance, usually when they are running. Birds wouldn’t be able to fly without them.

There’s a dog and cat that smack me in the face with their tails and contrary to your statement they enjoy doing it.

Are you trying to assert that a DNA-based biodiversity study of Loch Ness is a thing without value on it’s own merit?

Problem is, you have to sideload it and update it manually unless you live in a third-world country, since they seem to think nobody else could possibly have use for a slimmed-down Facebook app.

Don’t be so obtuse.

This is what I experienced. Following chemotherapy I suffered from chemo brain and honestly just a lot of symptoms that seemed like ADHD. I felt dumb but also slow. Just doing mind puzzles and games daily helped me keep my brain thinking and active and when I started appearing hyper-stimulated I could focus better if

I’ve done that most of my life just as a game to myself. In recent years I even factor in things like store card discounts. However I’m a wierdo that has fun doing that sort of thing. It does however translate into one very nice real world skill. When I don’t have a register at work because the others are taken. I can

pro-tip from my dad: just remove all the stickers then place them back on appropriately ordered. Done! :)

Same for me. I’m just useless at it and a little depressed and happy that my 7 year old managed to complete his first side this morning.

Nor have I, but I’ve also spent probably less than five minutes of my entire life attempting to solve a cube.