
The manual twisting thing is such a deal breaker. Who want to fiddle with it daily. I will so break it within a few months.

I dont think there will ever be a time when i will say, 'Boy i wish i knew how to tie that knot'. Knot tying just isnt something that is involved in my normal life.

Are you sure youre not just lazy?

Whats this thing D_E_N_T_I_S_T you speak so fondly of?

I win!!!!!

I was very serious.

Worry about what your router looks like= very first world problem. My only worry is that my wifi signal makes it through the next room :(

Its on a fabric I think . The fabric is bent/wrinkle a bit so it looks like its aspect ratio is not consistent.

The problem is that you need to get the official Cyanogen release *ideally* for your specific phone *including* the matching android store download to match. Once its all in order it just takes time to root. If not , it will fuck up because one of the packages doesnt match the others.

Found half a face and odd linear lines . Alien landing gear?

OMG!! The conspiracy theorists are gonna find alien artifacts and ufos hidden in every crevice of it !!!!

I dont think he’s flossing right.
1) Hes using the same part of the floss.
2) When the floss enters the gap, scrap it on each wall of the teeth. So he needs to enter each gap twice.
3) why no wash mouth after ?

Thank. I just tried it the top above. It worked better than I thought it would.

Can we be logged into chrome yet open a new tab and check email of another chrome profile without signing out of the first profile?

A 75 year old woman is going to convert her walking stick into a selfie stick and make it protrude all over the place and knock into people?!! YOU ARE INDEED A MORON!!!

A selfie stick protrudes upright and knocks into people. Walking sticks do not protrude and knock into people. It is a necessity for some people to use too! Are you a moron? I think you are.

You guys read the stuff alternative science write about Nibiru? How it took gold from earth for their planet. They are actually talking about a Dyson Sphere Nibiru. The gold was as a shield around the planet but they 'scientists' never actually used the term Dyson Sphere.

We are looking for advanced civilizations that has made no attempt to contact us ? Does anyone else think this will end well for us??????

That was a very bitch reply you just made....I absolutely loved it!!!