
The new Thor is weird because Thor's not a title it's a name. It'd be like Miles Morales becoming Peter Parker after being bit by a spider. Wielding the hammer wouldn't make you Thor, just give you his powers.

That's because the people that praise or publicly attack statements or changes from companies, don't actually care much about comics, or video games, or whatever social issue they claim to be fighting against. They'd be leading campaigns to support those releases if they did.

I don't buy that new characters are doomed to fail at all. It's just everyone is pushed to the side when marvel would rather push 30-50 year old names instead of new ones, for obvious reasons.Ms Marvel was already a cool character before she became "Captain Marvel" and she could have made her way to the big screen.

No it doesn't make any sense because they are referring to the woman as Thor. Thor isn't a title like Captain America, that's the guy's name. You don't become Thor by wielding the hammer, Thor is the name of the guy that wields the hammer. It's not about being worthy, or having nerve, it's literally adopting a guys

Beck is such a good name. I'm glad they are doing this, I can actually donate when I get the chance. The animation was really cool. I hope this game turns out well.

"Because every Nicholas Sparks book and movie (and romcom drivel in general) is what men think is women want in the courting process and romantic relationships. " But I've never even met a guy that liked the notebook....Are romantic comedies in reality more popular with men than women? I thought the notebook was far

Oh it doesn't at all but it's likely just something they never bothered to ask. They probably just liked him as a character and didn't think about how everyone else sounds different.

Kiosks would at the very least give it exposure beyond the enthusiasts. And you're right that vita's audience isn't kids, but it should be. Sony really should reposition it as a device for kids and casual gamers, people somewhat new to consoles.

Mhmmm. Which is kind of a problem selling it to the people that just see a bunch of ports ya know? Sony really need demo kiosks in malls so people who don't regularly visit gamestop can try out a few great games.

I hear you about price, but I really think you're robbing yourself. The vita does need a price cut so if it gets one soon I'd say it's something to really consider. A lot of people don't realize the value in having a portable console like the vita until they have one, and for many it becomes there most used console

There remains an elephant in the room, however: The fact that Sony has slowed down in announcing new games made specifically for the Vita, opting instead to port over PS3 and PS4 games and re-release other games that can be played elsewhere. Are we recommending something that is in the process of being abandoned by

I had no idea that was him O.o It's completely possible this is just one guy's interpretation of one character.

The video's wrong and way off base. It misses the actual obstacles for the vita, and somehow fails to notice that out of those 15 games shown to express how much more 3ds games there are on the shelves, 10/15 are published by nintendo. The 3ds's support primarily comes from nintendo published games, and japanese

It's not that big of leap for them to want a laid back character to represent the island and to contrast with Tidus's fish out of water experience, alongside all the other people of the island. It's not a huge leap to make. It's a bigger leap to say that one character, the only character of his kind, represents what

And it's important to note Waka's the only islander who talks that way. So really if we are treating the islanders as an the developers interpretation of the Polynesian people, Waka is just one guy.

Maybe Waka's speech is just an expression of his personality rather than the developers idea of what people on islands are like?

Aiming a handheld at console gamers was a bad idea in the first place. It's a great handheld but console gamers have never been the primary audience for handhelds. Console gamers aren't going to buy a brand new console for uglier versions of games they already have access to. The big sony games don't do as well as

That would've been pretty freakin cool, huh?

Poorly positioned handheld, incredible design. A clear sign that everyone at sony who isn't designing hardware and on third party teams, have no idea what they're doing.

This account should get a kickstarter.