And for any Rage Against The Machine fans...
And for any Rage Against The Machine fans...
I don't agree that there's no need for violent games. It's a large industry with diverse fans and there's enough room for violent and happy fun time games to exist together.
the vita really should've done well. It had everything going for it but Sony fucked themselves. And as much as I hate to say it they have no one but themselves to blame for that.
It's actually kind of mirrored by the fact that there isn't any commenting allowed on Anita's videos. I actually read this great comment on Polygon, before it got censored, about one of the things that creates frustration and anger in people is feeling like they aren't able to respond, and that there isn't actually a…
Ditto. I was basically permabanned out of Polygon and hundreds of my posts were deleted in Escapist and I decided to not voice things there. I used to post in many other places like Neogaf, but they are actually more extreme about punishing people who question extreme social justice stances, so I don't want to stir up…
I've heard a cacophony of vague complaints that game journalism is too distracted with this social issue or that or not playing it straight enough about just focusing on games .... or all sorts of other perennial complaints that these days manifest as complaints about "social justice warriors," a pejorative for game…
The difference is that the NSA is part of the GOVERNMENT, and is specifically barred from such searches by the Constitution. Apples and hedgehogs.
Totally, I'm just saying that's how she approaches it.
"And why examine any trope if you've already decided the root of it is misogyny?"
My solution is quite clearly in the post: "If she really does investigative journalism she should go into a debate with both supporters and critics of her vids but she wont. She should look at both sides of the glass but she doesnt."
I'm baaaack. This will be long, they had a lot to say that I couldn't summarize so quotes are used.
No clue lol. I can't exactly name any other celeb who are famous for no reason either. Even when Paris Hilton was a big thing she is a Hilton so the lavish life was inherited. Kim and crew may be an anomaly.
Yeah I totally get that, each to their own, where I come from the majority are PC gamers, and for me it's just growing up with mouse and keyboard, controllers just don't feel as precise when I wanna play, say Mass Effect on insanity difficulty. And yes, I know how elitist pc gamers can also be, here both groups are…
I'm a PC gamer and have been my entire life, have dabbled in consoles but didn't stick long, I'm terribly not into JRPG's, and I've always had trouble with console controller-like controls. My problem is I'm a huge sucker for portable gaming, and the PSP/Vita has always attracted me, problem was that the majority of…
To be fair, there ARE many good mobile games, just they are completely drowned out by crap and bad business practice.
Probably so much so that developers with genuinely good ideas feel compelled to use said business practices just to keep their game from drowning since those type of games seem to be the only ones that…
It's interesting to see games like Spellfall reviewed by outlets that aren't mobile-centric. The widespread acceptance of these sorts of practices among mobile diehards reminds me that this industry has really split into two (some might argue three if one still sees a sizable schism between PC and console/handheld).
Yep. I bought a couple NS weapons in PS2 not because I had to, but because I liked the idea of having weapons shared across all my characters of varying factions.
"Backflip's even included my favorite non-essential RPG feature, equipment and weapons that change the appearance of the player (it's stupid how important that is to me)."
It is damned well not!
I will happily play an RPG wherein character appearance is not altered by equipment (I grew up on the RPG/JRPGs of the…
Mobile gaming.
Where good and interesting game concepts go to die due to pathetic business practices that have become the norm.
This! She's playing the stereotypes of "feminine culture" and banking off of it. So should we think "poor, poor KK, affected by sexism"? I don't think so. It's like people justifying animal testing. Yeah, you can make a lot of money doing it, but how does making a lot of money mean you're justified?